Community Park Building, Milepost 115.2 George Parks Highway, turn left on TC Park Circle
Regular Meeting??????????? 6:30 PM??????????? Thursday, August 20, 2015
I.?????????? Meeting called to order 6:30 pm.
II.????????? Board Members in Attendance: Miller, Glenka, Kolbeck. Members: Lon McCullough. Guests: Randall Kowalke, Mayor Larry DeVilbiss, Doyle Holmes, Herman the German.
III.???????? Reading and approval of minutes from July 16.
IV.??????? Assembly Report: Sale of land for a warm storage building for Petersville Search & Rescue; Solid Waste Rate Increases.
V.???????? TCCSA CIP Report: $32,343.30 Remaining. All bids have been received. Glacier Country Construction was awarded the contract. Work to begin August 24 and complete November 15.
VI.??????? RSA 30 Report: None
VII.?????? Treasurer?s Report: Checking $1,125.51 & Savings: $25.25
VIII.????? Revenue Sharing Project Updates:
A.???????? FY2012
1.???????? Oral History ? $264.71 Remaining
2.???????? TCCC Costs ? $0 Remaining. All funds expended.
B.???????? FY2013
1.???????? TCCSA Operating ? $0 Remaining. All funds expended.
2.???????? TCCSA Conex ? $1,500 Remaining
- TCCSA Tools ? $0 Remaining. All funds expended.
- FY2014
- TCCSA Operating – $12,106.95 Remaining
- TCCC Operating – $995.60 Remaining
- Upper Susitna Food Pantry – $3,000 Remaining. Check Deposit
- Nordic Ski Club – $829 Remaining. Check Deposit
- Winter Trail Grooming – $2,500 Remaining
- Learning Garden – $71 Remaining
IX.??????? Current Mail: Read
X.???????? Public Forum: Resolution No. 15-080 to Borough to expand the pull-off at Mile 127 of the Parks Highway.
XI.??????? Unfinished Business:
Borough hearing of Trapper Creek Gravel postponed until late fall or early winter.
XII.?????? New Business:
- Motion by Miller to support the expansion of the pull-off at Mile 127 of the Parks Highway ?if and when the roadway is widened?. Seconded by Kolbeck, passed unanimously.
XIII.????? Date of next regular meeting scheduled for September 17, 2015 at 6:30 pm.
XIV.???? Meeting adjourned at 7:10 pm
(Minutes taken by Council Secretary, Levi Miller)
Trapper Creek Community Council, PO Box 13021, Trapper Creek, AK 99683-0321 (907) 733-7370 Teleconference