Monthly Archives: May 2020

Meeting Agenda 05/21/2020


[If attending the meeting in person, please observe any health protocols that might be in place on the meeting date]

Trapper Creek Community Council

Trapper Creek Community Center, Milepost 115.2 George Parks Highway, turn left on E. TC Park Circle.

Teleconference is available: Locally dial 373-2663 / Participant Code 991090 or dial 907-622-2663 if not in local area.

Regular Meeting ? 6:30 PM? Thursday, May 21, 2020

  1. Call to Order
  2. Determination of Quorum
  3. Board Members in Attendance
  4. Approval of Agenda
  5. Minutes of April 2020 Regular Meeting
  6. Borough Assembly Report
  7. Treasurer Report
  8. Community Assistance Program/CAP Grants
    1. FY2018
      • Trapper Creek Volunteer Fire Department
      • Trapper Creek Park & Cemetery
      • Trapper Creek Community Council
  9. Committee Reports:
    1. TCCSA Water Committee
    2. Volunteer Fire Department Committee
  10. Correspondence / Current Mail
  11. Public Forum:
  12. Unfinished Business:
    1. Mat-Su Community Councils for Public Safety (MSCCPS) Update
    2. FY2019 CAP Funds:
      • FY2019 CAP Project Proposals voting results
      • FY2019 CAP Project funding procedures
  13. New Business:
  14. Date of Next Regular Meeting: Thursday, June 18, 2020
  15. Adjournment

Contributions of no more than $50 per member per year are accepted to meet the costs of our operations.


Meeting Minutes 04/16/2020



Trapper Creek Community Center, Milepost 115.2 George Parks Highway. Turn left on E. TC Park Circle.

?Teleconference: Locally dial 373-2663 / Participant Code 991090 or dial 907-622-2663 if not in local area

Regular Meeting (Telephonic), 6:30 PM, Thursday, April 16, 2020?


  1. Meeting called to order: 6:33 pm
  2. Determination of Quorum
  3. Board Members in Attendance: Ritenburgh, Miller, Grelson, Twigg and Morrill.? Special Guest:? District 7 Borough Assembly Representative Tam Boeve
  4. Approval of Agenda
  5. Reading and approval of Regular February Meeting minutes and March No Meeting Minutes
  6. Borough Assembly Report, Tam Boeve, District 7: MSB Assembly telephonic meetings now.? Ability to call in and comment.

Every Wed 11:00 am- Borough live conferences. Stream from Borough website or on Facebook. Borough Mayor Vern Halter, Emergency Services Director Ken Barkley, local doctors, etc., giving updates on COVID-19 response.? Comments and questions can be made.

The Mat-Su driveway permit fees temporary waiver will be extended until October 7, 2020. [Permit Center: 907-861-7822.].

Mat-Su Borough Manager John Moosey will no longer be the Mat-Su Borough Manager-he will become the new City Manager of Palmer.

  1. Treasurer?s Report:? Disbursements: Check #244: $25.00 for AK Statement of Change of Officials (necessary to reflect change in TCCC Board Members).

Deposits: None.? Dividends: Savings, .01 on 3/31/20. ? Checking: $1,111.96, Savings: $25.44 = $1,137.40

  1. Revenue Sharing/Community Assistance Program (CAP) Grant Project Updates:
  2. FY2018:
  • Trapper Creek Volunteer Fire Dept (TCVFD): ?CAP: $1,000.00. Current Expenditures: $76.00: US Postmaster, Box Fees. Total expenditures to date: $581.00. Remaining: $419.00
  • TCCSA Operating ? CAP: $10,000.00. Current expenditures: $2,420.27.
  • Trapper Creek Community Council (TCCC): CAP: $1,000.00. Current expenditures: $25.00.? Remaining: $674.27
  • Upper Susitna Food Pantry Operations: CAP: $3,789.00. Current expenditures: 274.01. Remaining: $0

42 families were served in February and 41 families in March; 108 people in February and 118 people in March; and 27 seniors for the CSFP Boxes in February and 27 seniors in March.

In February, 15 Trapper Creek students per week and 18 Trapper Creek students at Su Valley were served in the Weekend Brown Bag Program.? In March school was closed and the programs were combined and all bags were available for pick up at the Trapper Creek Elementary School.

People are carpooling to the Food Pantry and this is not practicing social distancing.? It endangers the volunteers and the Coordinator and jeopardizes the communities as well as the ability to safely continue operations. Our help was requested in this matter.

IX.? ? Committee Reports:

  • TCCSA Water Committee:? In March, the Water Committee met with KAE, general contractor, to review the 65% design. An amiable meeting of design construction was agreed upon, and the next meeting will be held at the 95% stage.

In April, and email was sent to KAE asking if COVID-19 has or will have any bearing on construction design and schedule as discussed in March. As of April 15, no response had been received.

TCCSA Water Committee will continue to update TCCC

  • Volunteer Fire Department Committee (TCFVD): Current Expenditures: $76.00: US Postmaster, Box Fees.
  1. Correspondence/Current Mail:? All mail was read at meeting, and/or previously emailed to the membership and/or posted at the TC Post Office
  2. Public Forum:? None
  3. Unfinished Business:
  4. Mat-Su Community Councils for Public Safety (MSCCPS) update: Meetings were not going to be held in January and February, and would resume in March (18th).? Due to COVID-19, the March meeting was cancelled. No future meeting date has been set at this time.
  1. FY2019 CAP Funds: Project Proposal Forms reviewed and approved to ensure program qualifications were met.

FY2019 CAP Projects submitted (in the following order):

Pantry Operations Support (Upper Susitna Food Pantry), $6,000.00 requested

Operating Expenses for the Trapper Creek Park and Cemetery- $11,000.00 requested

Trapper Creek Volunteer Fire Department Rural Basic Firefighter Class, $3,468.00 requested

Total requested: $20,468.00, FY2019 Funds available:? $15,789.00

Project community voting will begin Monday, April 20, through Saturday, May 9, 2020 at the Post Office.? A CAP Project Talley Committee has been formed. Funded project list will be read at the Thursday, May 21, 2020 regular TCCC meeting

Information and deadlines for accepting proposed FY2019 CAP fund projects was sent out to TCCC e-mail list as well as posted at the Trapper Creek Post Office and the Trapper Creek Library. Applications were also available to be sent via e-mail by contacting the Council.

  1. New Business: None
  2. Date of next meeting: scheduled for Thursday,May 21, 2020, 6:30 pm
  3. Meeting adjourned:? 7:01 pm

(Minutes taken by Council Secretary, Janet Grelson)