Monthly Archives: April 2017

Meeting Agenda 04/21/2017

Trapper Creek Community Council AGENDA

Regular Meeting?????? 6:30 PM?????????? Thursday, April 16, 2017

???????????????? I.????????? Call to Order

II.????????? Determination of Quorum

III.????????? Board Members in Attendance

IV.????????? Minutes of Preceding Meeting

V.????????? Borough Assembly Report

VI.????????? TCCSA CIP Report

VII.????????? Treasurer Report

VIII.????????? Revenue Share Reports

  1. FY2012
    • Oral History
  2. FY2013
    • TCCSA Conex
  3. FY2014
    • Council Operating
    • Nordic Ski Club
  4. FY2015
    • TCCSA Operating
    • Winter Trail Grooming

IX.????????? Correspondence / Current Mail

X.????????? Public Forum

XI.????????? Unfinished Business:

  1. Village Safe Water Program update
  2. FY16 revenue share fund project deadline

XII.????????? New Business

XIII.????????? Date of Next meeting?May 18, 2017

XIV.????????? Adjournment

(This agenda subject to modifications per need of the public and its members)


Trapper Creek Community Center, Milepost 115.2 George Parks Highway, turn left on E. TC Park Circle

PO Box 13021, Trapper Creek, AK 99683?? Teleconference (907) 733-7370

Meeting Minutes 03/16/2017


Regular Meeting???????? 6:30 PM????????? Thursday, March 16, 2017

I.?????????????????? Meeting called 6:45pm.

II.????????????????? Determination of Quorum

III.??????????????? Board Members in Attendance: ?Glenka, Kolbeck and Grelson.

IV.?????????????? Reading and approval of minutes from February 19, 2017

V.???????????????? Borough Assembly Report: Assemblyman Kolwalke not present. Via email: Subject: Ordinance 17-021 recently passed regarding trapping prohibitions in some high-use areas and school grounds. Kolwalke will add Trapper Creek Community Park to the list.

VI.?????????????? TCCSA CIP Report: ?CIP#4: $15.00 expended this period for fixing a broken water bib. Total remaining $10,988.86.? Total spent to date: $9,011.14.

VII.???????????? Treasurer?s Report:? Expenditures this period: $125.00 for the annual website domain fees. Checking: $415.44 & Savings: $25.31

VIII.??????????? Revenue Sharing Project Updates:

A.???????????????? FY2012:? Oral History ? No expenditures. $98.27 remaining

B.???????????????? FY2013: TCCSA Conex ? No expenditures. $1,366.54 remaining

C. ???????? FY2014:

  • TCCC Operating Costs ? Expenditures: $125.00. $179.19 remaining
  • Nordic Ski Club ? No expenditures. $88.51 remaining

D.????????? FY2015:

  • TCCSA Operating Costs ? No report
  • Winter Trail Grooming ? Expenditure:? East/West Express, Chulitna Bluff and Rabiduex Trails groomed: 3.5 hours billed = $500.00.? $800.00 remaining

IX.???????? Correspondence/Current Mail:

  • Letter received from Barbara Baumgartner, Mat-Su Borough Dept. of Finance regarding unspent revenue sharing funds in FY2012, FY2013, FY2014 and FY2015.? Funds need to be spent by December 31, 2017, unless there is good cause to extend.? Ms. Baumgartner also stated that Trapper Creek is in good standing and current with revenue share reports.


  • Regarding the Mat-Su Borough Recreational Bond and Trapper Creek Park and Community Center being labeled ?non-owned? land (land not owned by the Borough), Assemblyman Kolwalke stated that a Borough attorney reviewed the paperwork that transferred the land from the Borough to TCCSA.? As long as TCCSA exists and is utilized as public use acreage, the $75,000 Recreational Bond funds allocated for Trapper Creek Park and Community Center Improvements may be used


  • Public Notice MSB007249-2017 Competitive Land Bid sale received by Council was sent out via email to the Trapper Creek Community Council e-mail list, and posted in the Trapper Creek Post Office


  • 2035 Mat-Su Borough Long Range Transportation Plan public meeting dates and locations were received and sent out to the Trapper Creek Community Council e-mail list and posted in the Trapper Creek Post Office.? Public comment deadline is May 12, 2017 at 5:00 PM

X.????????? Public Forum:? NONE

XI.???????? Unfinished Business:

A.? Village Safe Water Program (VSW): No report received

B.? FY16 Revenue Share:? No projects received to date. Deadline for Submission of projects is April 20, 2017

XII.??????? New Business:? NONE

XIII.??????????? Date of next meeting scheduled for April 21, 2017, 6:30 PM

XIV.?????????? Meeting adjourned at 7:55 PM


(Minutes taken by Council Treasurer, Janet Grelson)


Trapper Creek Community Council

PO Box 13021, Trapper Creek, AK 99683-0321 (907) 733-7370 Teleconference