Trapper Creek Community Council AGENDA
Regular Meeting?????? 6:30 PM?????????? Thursday, August 18, 2016
I.????????? Call to Order
II.????????? Determination of Quorum
III.????????? Minutes of Preceding Meeting
IV.????????? Borough Assembly Report
V.????????? TCCSA CIP Report
VI.????????? RSA 30 Report
VII.????????? Treasurer Report
VIII.????????? Revenue Share Reports
- FY2012
- Oral History
- FY2013
- TCCSA Conex
- FY2014
- TCCSA Operating
- Council Operating
- Nordic Ski Club
- FY2015
- TCCSA Operating
- Upper Susitna Food Pantry
- Winter Trail Grooming
IX.????????? Correspondence / Current Mail
X.????????? Public Forum
XI.????????? Unfinished Business
XII.????????? New Business:
- Discussion about the Recreational Trail Grant being prepared on behalf of the Curry Ridge Riders and their request for a letter of community support.
XIII.????????? Date of Next meeting
XIV.????????? Adjournment
(This agenda subject to modifications according to need of the public and its members)
Trapper Creek Community Center, Milepost 115.2 George Parks Highway, turn left on E. TC Park Circle
PO Box 13021, Trapper Creek, AK 99683?? Teleconference (907) 733-7370