Monthly Archives: May 2013

Meeting Agenda 5/16/2013

Community Park Building – Trapper Creek Community Council
Regular Meeting 6:30 PM May 16, 2013

Call to Order
Determination of Quorum
Read & Approval of Minutes from April 18, 2013
Assembly Report – TCCSA CIP Status Report ? Modular Building
Officers Report
?Treasurer Revenue Sharing Project Committee Progress Reports
? FY2010
? Playground Equipment
? FreeBox
? Council Administration Funds
? FY2011-2012
? Welcome Sign North
Correspondence/Current Mail
? Courtesy Biennial Report Notice for Trapper Creek Community Council, Inc.
Public Forum
? DOTPF Mat-Su Area Planner, Allen Kemplen, will present an update on recent changes to federal funding and discuss the impacts to the current Petersville Road Rehabilitation Project.
Unfinished Business
? Review of vote tally and selection of project submittals utilizing remaining FY2012 revenue share funds of $8,481.84
New Business
Date of next meeting
(This agenda subject to modifications according to need of the public and its members)

Meeting Minutes 4/18/2013

Trapper Creek Community Council
Meeting Minutes April 18, 2013

Meeting called to order 6:05 pm.
Board Members in Attendance: Leo, Kolbeck, Glenka, Miller
Reading and Approval of Minutes
Assembly Report: Vern to attempt to repurpose $70,000 of money left from last year?s budget for connecting and finishing community buildings. Motion made by Glenka to support Vern in trying to acquire said $70,000. Seconded by Leo, approved unanimously.
Treasurer?s Report: Checking $8722.10 & Savings: $25.16
Revenue Sharing Project Updates:
? Playground to be completed by mid-June
? Free Box to be decided at next TCCSA meeting
FY2011 & 2012
? Tractor ? Purchased insurance and paid operator
? North Sign ? Not yet started
Current Mail: None
Public Forum: Review and acceptance, for vote, of FY2012 Revenue Share project proposals using remaining funds.
? YCC ? Requests $3,400 for operation and maintenance of two vans
? Talkeetna Historical Society ? Requests $2,000
? TCCSA Oral History Project ? Requests $1,000; will encourage people to transcribe for $5/per hour
? TCCSA Operating Costs ? Requests $4,000 for assistance with phone, electric, heat, etc.
? Sunshine Transit ? Requests $3,000 for operations
? Trapper Creek Artist in School Program ? Requests $2,000 to bring program back to Trapper Creek to paint a mural
? TCCC ? Requests $1,000 for operating costs. Motion by Glenka, to take without vote, $1,000 of revenue share money for Trapper Creek Community Council operating costs. Seconded by Kolbeck. No by Miller. Council gets $1,000 for operating costs.
Unfinished Business: None
New Business: None
Date of next meeting scheduled for May 16, 2013 at 6:30 pm.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm

(Minutes taken by Council Secretary, Levi Miller)

Approved: ____________________________ _____________________________
Chairperson Date Secretary Date