

(Revision accepted at General Town Meeting – July 4, 2000)

Article I. NAME

Section 1. The name of this organization shall be “Trapper Creek Community Council”.


Section I. The purpose of this organization shall be to promote the general well being of the community and to support community efforts by:

A. Providing a central channel of communication between groups and individuals within and outside the community;

B. Promoting studies, surveys and other activities to determine the current and future needs of the community;

C. Coordinating and encouraging voluntary cooperation and participation in establishing programs to meet the community needs.


Section 1. MEMBERSHIP DEFINITION. All natural persons, eighteen or more years of age whose voting residence is within the Trapper Creek Community Council area and who are not registered to vote in any other area are members of the Trapper Creek Community Council.

Section 2. AREA DEFINITION. Trapper Creek Community Council area is defined as: “Starting at the bridge crossing the Chulitna River, thence south along the west bank of the Chulitna River to the confluence of the Chulitna River and the Susitna River; thence south along the west bank of the Susitna River to the south boundary of T25N; thence west along the south boundary of T25N to the point of intersection of Kroto Creek and the south boundary of T25N; thence north along the east bank of Kroto Creek to the North boundary of T27N; thence east to the southwest corner of T28N, R6W; thence north to the north boundary of T28N; thence east along the north boundary of T28N to the point of beginning.”


Section I. BOARD OF DIRECTORS DEFINITION. The Trapper Creek Community Council will be managed by a Board of Directors consisting of five members elected at large from the General Membership.


A. Candidates for the Board of Directors will submit a written application to the secretary stating their willingness to serve a two-year term at least fifteen days prior to the general election. Applications will be made available at the Post Office and at the Library.

B. A list of candidates will be posted at the Post Office and the Library not later than fourteen days prior to the annual election.

C. An election Committee appointed by the Chairperson of the Board will collect, then count and certify the results of the election.

D. In the event of a vacancy of a Board position, the Board, within thirty days of learning of the vacancy, will appoint someone from the general membership to fill the vacancy until the next general election.


A. In order to maintain continuity within the Board of Directors, two Board members shall be elected to fill two-year terms; the remaining Board members elected shall fill one-year terms. The two-year terms will be filled by the nominees with the most votes.


A. The Board of Directors shall manage the affairs of the Trapper Creek Community Council and shall act for and represent the Council according to the will of the general membership. Any decision of the Board can be brought to a referendum vote upon the written request of twenty of more members.

B. Board Members are expected to attend all TCCC meetings. Three or more absences during any twelve month period will result in removal from the Board, unless such absence(s) have been excused by a vote of the Board.

C. An accurate record of all meetings of the Council and the Board shall be maintained, as well as a permanent record of all correspondence received or issued. A roster of members attending meetings shall be maintained. Notes of all items discussed shall be recorded. All records of meetings shall be made available to the membership by posting wit in fourteen days of said meeting.

D. An accurate record of assets and the financial status of the Council shall be maintained by the treasurer. Financial reports shall be made at each Board and General meeting. An audit of monies and records shall be made each January and a record of finding shall be made and presented at the next General meeting. The audit will be conducted by the incoming members of the Board of Directors.

E. The Board Members will not allow personal grievances to be aired as part of the General Meeting or as part of the Board of Directors’ meetings. A complete agreement of all Board Members present at a meeting of any kind is required to continue discussion of any matter that may appear to be a personal grievance.

F. This section now provides for removal from office of any member of the Board of Directors who votes on any matter which involves a personal conflict of interest. Board Members should indicate to the Chair any conflicts recognized.

G. The members of the Board will not represent themselves or make any official statements, either written or oral, to other entities in their official capacity unless previously approved by at least three Board members. These representations shall be reported upon at the next Council meeting.


A. The Chairperson will be elected from the Board by the Board. The Chairperson will preside at all meetings of the Council and of the Board and will exercise general supervision and guidance over affairs of the Council. The Chairperson will also assure the business of the Council is conducted in accordance with the law and this Constitution.

B. The Chairperson will vote only to break a tie.

C. A Vice-Chairperson, elected from the Board by members of the Board, shall perform the duties of the Chairperson in the absence of the Chairperson and upon the Chairperson’s request.

D. This section is changed to provide for election rather than appointment of the Secretary and Treasurer by the Board of Directors.

E. The Board has the authority to establish and dissolve committees as necessary. The Chairperson of the Board will appoint the members of such committees.


A. A Board Member may be removed for failure to comply with the provisions of this constitution, in which case the following shall apply:

1. A request for a General Meeting will be sent to the Chairperson in accordance with the requirements detailed in Article V, 2. B.

2. The request will state the purpose of the meeting is to remove a Board Member, identity the Board Member, and will include a clear, concise statement of the alleged violation.

3. The Board Member identified for removal shall be notified at least fourteen days prior to the meeting.

4. This section now requires a majority vote of the Board members to remove a Board member from office

5. Should the vote not remove a Board Member, the issue will be considered as ended and no further action will be accepted by the Board on this matter.



The Board shall meet monthly except that a majority of the Board may elect to cancel up to two meetings per calendar year. Special meetings of the Board may be called by the Chairperson, or any two Board members as required. All Board meetings require a quorum of three members and shall be open to the general membership. The meetings may operate in an informal manner or according to “Robert’s Rules of Order'”‘. The manner of operation shall be stated by the Chairperson at the start of the meeting or at any other time as may be necessary to conduct a meeting in an orderly manner. The agenda shall be posted at the Post Office and Library a minimum of seven days before the scheduled meeting date.


A. General Meetings shall be scheduled by the Chairperson at appropriate times. A meeting will be held for priority determination of Capital Improvement Projects (CIP). The date of the CIP meeting to be coordinated with the Matanuska-Susitna Borough CIP schedule. A minimum of one General Meeting shall be held each four months. The manner of operation shall be stated by the Chairperson at the start of the meeting or at any other time as may be necessary to conduct a meeting in an orderly manner. The agenda for these meetings shall be posted at the Post Office and Library a minimum of seven days before the scheduled meeting date.

B. General meetings, other than those scheduled each four months, will be called by the Board on receipt of a petition signed by ten members. This section changes the number of members required to constitute a general meeting from twenty voting members to ten voting members and three Board members to be present to hold a general meeting.

C. The Chairperson may call for a General Meeting at any: time with seven days posted notice to the Council Members.

Article VI. VOTING

Section 1. Any issue requiring a vote of the General Membership shall be duly publicized and notices shall be posted at the Post Office and Library for seven days preceding the vote.


Section l. This constitution may be repealed or amended by presenting written request, accompanied by ten signatures of members, at any regular General Membership Meeting. The Board will post the request at the Post Office and the Library for a minimum of thirty days, thereafter, a General Membership Meeting will be held and the request either accepted or rejected by a simple majority vote.

Accepted by the General Membership, TCCC, this day of June 17, 2004.

Burnu Watkins, Chairperson, TCCC

Paul Wegrzyn, Vice-Chairperson, TCCC

Robin Lester, Secretary, TCCC

Catherine Stankowitz, Treasurer, TCCC

Patty Christensen, Board Member, TCCC