Trapper Creek Community Council
Meeting Minutes December 19, 2013
Meeting called to order 6:31 pm.
Board Members in Attendance: Leo, Miller, Glenka, Kolbeck.
Reading and approval of the minutes from November meeting.
Assembly Report: None
TCCSA CIP Report: Modular building is in place and there are no expenditures anticipated over the winter. Next report will be submitted as per contract with Borough quarterly in March 2014.
RSA 30 Report: December Borough meeting was canceled. The roads are being maintained, and in good shape.
Treasurer?s Report: Checking $908.20 & Savings: $25.18
Revenue Sharing Project Updates:
? Oral History ? No current expenditures. Of the $1000, $48 Spent, $480 Remaining
? TC Park Operating ? Current expenditures $120. Of the $4000, $3520 Spent, $480 Remaining
? Artist in School Program ? No changes. Of the $2000, $0 Spent, $2000 Remaining.
? TCCC Costs ? Current expenditure $58. Of the $1000, $326.36 Spent, $673.64 Remaining.
o Motion by Leo to spend $125 for website domain. Seconded by Kolbeck. Passed unanimously.
Current Mail: Read
Public Forum:
? Regarding subsistence mapping interviews for the Susitna-Watana Hydro project, interviews will be conducted reviewing a 10year look back.
o Motion by Leo to sign a revised resolution for the subsistence mapping project to happen in Trapper Creek. Seconded by Miller. Passed unanimously.
Unfinished Business:
? New board members elected and to be seated in January are Janet Grelson, Earl Boone and Paula Glenka
New Business:
? FY2012 Revenue Sharing amended to extend period of performance to 12/31/2014.
? Wes Keller getting ready to go to Capital and wants community input.
Date of next meeting scheduled for January 16, 2014 at 6:30 pm.
Meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm
(Minutes taken by Council Secretary, Levi Miller)
Approved: ____________________________ _____________________________
Chairperson Date Secretary Date