Monthly Archives: November 2016

Meeting Agenda 11/17/2016

Trapper Creek Community Council AGENDA

Regular Meeting6:30 PMThursday, November 17, 2016

  1. Call to Order
  2. Determination of Quorum
  3. Minutes of Preceding Meeting
  4. Borough Assembly Report
  5. TCCSA CIP Report
  6. Treasurer Report
  7. Revenue Share Reports
    1. FY2012
      • Oral History
    2. FY2013
      • TCCSA Conex
    3. FY2014
      • Council Operating
      • Nordic Ski Club
    4. FY2015
      • TCCSA Operating
      • Upper Susitna Food Pantry
      • Winter Trail Grooming
  8. Correspondence / Current Mail
  9. Public Forum:
    1. Alaska LNG Project Update
  10. Unfinished Business:
  11. New Business:
    1. Discussion of proposed changes, if any, to Borough Planning Commissions request of Community Council Boundary Review. ?Proposed changes due December 2nd.
    2. Accepting applications for seating new Board of Directors in January 2017.
  12. Date of Next meeting
  13. Adjournment

(This agenda subject to modifications per need of the public and its members)


Trapper Creek Community Center, Milepost 115.2 George Parks Highway, turn left on E. TC Park Circle

PO Box 13021, Trapper Creek, AK 99683 ??Teleconference (907) 733-7370



Trapper Creek Community Council (TCCC)


At the September 15, 2016 TCCC meeting it was determined there would not be a quorum for the October 20th meeting, therefore council business will resume November 17, 2016.

Community Park Building

Milepost 115.4 George Parks Highway, turn left on TC Park Circle

PO Box 13021, Trapper Creek, AK 99683-0321 (907) 733-7370 Teleconference

Meeting Minutes 09/15/2016


Regular Meeting 6:30 PM Thursday, September 15, 2016


  1. Meeting called to order 6:35 pm.

  2. Board Members in Attendance: ?Glenka, Miller, Grelson and Kolbeck; Member present: ?Lon McCullough and Assemblyman Randall Kolwalke.

  3. Reading and approval of minutes from August 18, 2016

  4. Assembly Report: Port McKenzie discussion; Recreation Bond to be voted on in October election with $75,000 being allocated to Trapper Creek.

  5. TCCSA CIP Report: ?CIP#4 $1,903.05 remaining from the original fifty percent draw of $10,000.

  6. RSA 30 Report: ?None

  7. Treasurer?s Report: ?Checking $667.75 & Savings $25.29

  8. Revenue Sharing Project Updates:

    1. FY2012

      1. Oral History ? $98.27 remaining

    2. FY2013

      1. TCCSA Conex ? $1,366.54 remaining

C. FY2014

  1. TCCC Operating Costs – $431.50 remaining
  2. Nordic Ski Club ? $88.51 remaining
  3. FY2015
  4. TCCSA Operating Costs – $13,954.61
  5. Upper Susitna Food Pantry ? No Report
  6. Winter Trail Grooming ? No funds expended to date


  1. Current Mail: None

  2. Public Forum: ?No Call No Show

  3. Unfinished Business: ?Discussion about the Recreation Trail Grant being prepared on behalf of the Curry Ridge Riders and their request for a letter of support by the community council resulted in a motion by Miller to not address the issue in favor or against as a Community Council. ?Seconded by Kolbeck. ?Passed unanimously.

  4. New Business:


  1. Date of next meeting scheduled for November 17, 2016. ?There will be no October meeting as there will not be a quorum.

  2. Meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm

(Minutes taken by Council Secretary, Levi Miller)

Trapper Creek Community Council

PO Box 13021, Trapper Creek, AK 99683-0321 (907) 733-7370 Teleconference