Community Park Building
Milepost 115.4 George Parks Highway, turn left on TC Park Circle
Regular Meeting? 6:30 PMThursday, July 17, 2014
I.????????? Meeting called to order 6:35 pm.
II.???????? Board Members in Attendance: Miller, Glenka, Boone, Kolbeck, Grelson. Members: Lon McCullough, Jennie Earles, George & Kay Faerber and guest Warren Keogh.
III.??????? Reading and approval of minutes from June 19, 2014
IV.?????? Assembly Report: None
V.??????? TCCSA CIP Report: Roof almost complete. $11,651.95 remaining.
VI.?????? RSA 30 Report: Chulitna and Watson Roads upgrade.
VII.????? Treasurer?s Report: Checking $715.33 & Savings: $25.21
VIII.???? Revenue Sharing Project Updates:
A.???????????? FY2012
1.???????????? Oral History ? $951.84 Remaining
2.???????????? TCCC Costs ? $208.30 Remaining
B.???????????? FY2013
1.???????????? TCCSA Operating ? $3070.45 Remaining
2.???????????? TCCC Conex ? $1500 Remaining
- TCCSA Outbuildings – $5563.57 Remaining
- TCCSA Tools – $2000 Remaining
- TCCSA Tractor Implements $3332.29 Remaining, although ordered
- Dumpster Access Ramp ? $2500 Remaining
- YCC M&O of Vehicles ? $1409.21 Remaining
IX.?????? Current Mail was read
X.??????? Public Forum:
- Braund (SRB&A) Alaska LNG Project ? Motion by Glenka to accept SRB&A?s resolution as written. Motion passed unanimously.
- Visit and introduction by Warren Keogh running for State Senate Q&A
- MSB Long Range Transportation Plan ? Glenka & Boone to attend workshop
- Petersville Road Rehabilitation awarded to Alaska Road Builders
- Bylaw Review – No Updates / Changes
XI.?????? Unfinished Business: None
XII.????? New Business:
XIII.???? Date of next meeting scheduled for August 21, 2014 at 6:30 pm.
XIV.??? Meeting adjourned at 8:35 pm
(Minutes taken by Council Secretary, Levi Miller)
Approved: ??????????? ______________________________????????????????????????? ______________________________
Chairperson???????? ????????????????????????????? Date?????? ??????????????? Secretary?????????????? ??????????????????????????????? Date