Monthly Archives: July 2014

Meeting Minutes 7/17/2014


Community Park Building

Milepost 115.4 George Parks Highway, turn left on TC Park Circle

Regular Meeting? 6:30 PMThursday, July 17, 2014


I.????????? Meeting called to order 6:35 pm.

II.???????? Board Members in Attendance: Miller, Glenka, Boone, Kolbeck, Grelson. Members: Lon McCullough, Jennie Earles, George & Kay Faerber and guest Warren Keogh.

III.??????? Reading and approval of minutes from June 19, 2014

IV.?????? Assembly Report: None

V.??????? TCCSA CIP Report: Roof almost complete. $11,651.95 remaining.

VI.?????? RSA 30 Report: Chulitna and Watson Roads upgrade.

VII.????? Treasurer?s Report: Checking $715.33 & Savings: $25.21

VIII.???? Revenue Sharing Project Updates:

A.???????????? FY2012

1.???????????? Oral History ? $951.84 Remaining

2.???????????? TCCC Costs ? $208.30 Remaining

B.???????????? FY2013

1.???????????? TCCSA Operating ? $3070.45 Remaining

2.???????????? TCCC Conex ? $1500 Remaining

  1. TCCSA Outbuildings – $5563.57 Remaining
  2. TCCSA Tools – $2000 Remaining
  3. TCCSA Tractor Implements $3332.29 Remaining, although ordered
  4. Dumpster Access Ramp ? $2500 Remaining
  5. YCC M&O of Vehicles ? $1409.21 Remaining

IX.?????? Current Mail was read

X.??????? Public Forum:

  1. Braund (SRB&A) Alaska LNG Project ? Motion by Glenka to accept SRB&A?s resolution as written. Motion passed unanimously.
  2. Visit and introduction by Warren Keogh running for State Senate Q&A
  3. MSB Long Range Transportation Plan ? Glenka & Boone to attend workshop
  4. Petersville Road Rehabilitation awarded to Alaska Road Builders
  5. Bylaw Review – No Updates / Changes

XI.?????? Unfinished Business: None

XII.????? New Business:

XIII.???? Date of next meeting scheduled for August 21, 2014 at 6:30 pm.

XIV.??? Meeting adjourned at 8:35 pm

(Minutes taken by Council Secretary, Levi Miller)

Approved: ??????????? ______________________________????????????????????????? ______________________________

Chairperson???????? ????????????????????????????? Date?????? ??????????????? Secretary?????????????? ??????????????????????????????? Date


Meeting Agenda 7/17/2014 (revised)

Trapper Creek Community Council

PO Box 13021, Trapper Creek, AK 99683-0321 (907) 733-7370 Teleconference


Community Park Building

Milepost 115.4 George Parks Highway, turn left on TC Park Circle

Regular Meeting?????? 6:30 PM????????? Thursday, July 17, 2014

I.??????? Call to Order

II.??????? Determination of Quorum

III.??????? Minutes of Preceding Meeting

IV.??????? Borough Assembly Report

V.??????? TCCSA CIP Report

VI.??????? RSA 30 Report

VII.??????? Treasurer Report

VIII.??????? Revenue Share Reports

  1. FY2012
    1. Oral History
    2. Council Operating Costs
  2. FY2013
    1. TCCSA Operating Expenses
    2. TCCSA Conex Container
    3. TCCSA Outbuildings
    4. TCCSA Tools & Implements for M&O
    5. TCCSA Tractor Implements
    6. Dumpster Access Ramp
    7. YCC M&O of Vehicles

IX.??????? Correspondence / Current Mail

X.??????? Public Forum

  1. Braund & Assoc. to acquire resolution re Alaska LNG Project
  2. Warren Keogh, an ?Independent? is running against Republican Mike Dunleavy

XI.??????? Unfinished Business

XII.??????? New Business

  1. MSB Long Range Transportation Plan Update
  2. Petersville Road Preventative Maintenance Update
  3. Bylaws Review

XIII.??????? Date of next meeting

XIV.??????? Adjournment

(This agenda subject to modifications according to need of the public and its members)

Meeting Agenda 7/17/2014

Trapper Creek Community Council

PO Box 13021, Trapper Creek, AK 99683-0321

(907) 733-7370 Teleconference


?Community Park Building

Milepost 115.4 George Parks Highway, turn left on TC Park Circle

?Regular Meeting?????? 6:30 PM????????? Thursday, July 17, 2014

? I.??????? Call to Order

II.??????? Determination of Quorum

III.??????? Minutes of Preceding Meeting

IV.??????? Borough Assembly Report

V.??????? TCCSA CIP Report

VI.??????? RSA 30 Report

VII.??????? Treasurer Report

VIII.??????? Revenue Share Reports

  1. FY2012
    1. Oral History
    2. Council Operating Costs
  2. FY2013
    1. TCCSA Operating Expenses
    2. TCCSA Conex Container
    3. TCCSA Outbuildings
    4. TCCSA Tools & Implements for M&O
    5. TCCSA Tractor Implements
    6. Dumpster Access Ramp
    7. YCC M&O of Vehicles

IX.??????? Correspondence / Current Mail

X.??????? Public Forum

  1. ?Braund & Assoc. to acquire resolution re Alaska LNG Project

XI.??????? Unfinished Business

XII.??????? New Business

  1. MSB Long Range Transportation Plan Update
  2. Petersville Road Preventative Maintenance Update
  3. Bylaws Review

XIII.??????? Date of next meeting

XIV.??????? Adjournment

(This agenda subject to modifications according to need of the public and its members)