Community Park Building
Milepost 115.2 George Parks Highway, turn left on TC Park Circle
Regular Meeting???????? 6:30 PM????????? Thursday, March 19, 2015
I.???????? Meeting called to order 6:40 pm.
II.??????? Board Members in Attendance: Glenka, Kolbeck and Grelson. Members Present: Lon McCullough, Jennie Earles, Hal Morgan, Kristie Parsons.
III.????? Reading and approval of minutes from February
IV.????? Assembly Report: None
V.?????? TCCSA CIP Report: $32,343.30 Remaining. Getting bids ready for new building.
VI.????? RSA 30 Report: No representative was present, but a member present attended the meeting and reported that R.O.W. was purchased on Oilwell; Kroto Creek Bridge bids; and Saunders Road were discussed.
VII.??? Treasurer?s Report: Checking $236.44 & Savings: $25.23
VIII.?? Revenue Sharing Project Updates:
A.??????????? FY2012
1.??????????? Oral History ? $951.84 Remaining
2.??????????? TCCC Costs ? $1.35 Remaining
B.??????????? FY2013
1.??????????? TCCSA Operating ? $1,154.34 Remaining
2.??????????? TCCSA Conex ? $1,500 Remaining
- ??????????? TCCSA Tools – $26.95 Remaining
IX.????? Current mail was read
X.?????? Public Forum:
A.?????? Sara Jansen, Planner II, re: Borough?s Capital Improvement Program-CIP FY2017-2022
B.?????? Candidate Randall Kowalke, District 7
XI.????? Unfinished Business:
- Applications for FY2014 Revenue Share due 4/16/15
XII.??? New Business:
A.??????????? Kristie Parsons ? upcoming gravel pit permitting has begun, approximately 90 days from start to permit issuance.
XIII.?? Date of next meeting scheduled for April 16, 2015 at 6:30 pm.
XIV.? Meeting adjourned at 8:26 pm
(Minutes taken by Council Treasurer, Janet Grelson)
Approved: ????? _____________________________________
Chairperson??? ????????? Date
Secretary??????????????????????????????? Date
Trapper Creek Community Council
PO Box 13021, Trapper Creek, AK 99683-0321 (907) 733-7370 Teleconference