Monthly Archives: August 2019

Meeting Agenda 08/15/2019


Trapper Creek Community Council

Trapper Creek Community Center, Milepost 115.2 George Parks Highway, turn left on E. TC Park Circle.

Teleconference is available: Locally dial 373-2663 / Participant Code 991090 or dial 907-622-2663 if not in local area.

Regular Meeting6:30 PMThursday, August 15, 2019


  1. Call to Order
  2. Determination of Quorum
  3. Board Members in Attendance
  4. Approval of Agenda
  5. Minutes of June Regular Meeting
  6. Borough Assembly Report
  7. Treasurer Report
  8. Community Assistance Program/CAP Grants
    1. FY2018
      • Trapper Creek Volunteer Fire Department
      • Trapper Creek Park & Cemetery
      • Trapper Creek Community Council
      • Upper Susitna Food Pantry Operations
    2. FY2019
      • Neighborhood Watch Grant
  9. Committee Reports:
    1. TCCSA Water Committee
    2. Volunteer Fire Department Committee
  10. Correspondence / Current Mail
  11. Public Forum:
  12. Unfinished Business:
    1. Mat-Su Community Councils for Public Safety (MSCCPS) Update
    2. FY2018 CAP/Revenue Share Project funding status
    3. Neighborhood Watch report from public meetings
  13. New Business:
  14. Date of Next Regular Meeting: Thursday, September 19, 2019
  15. Adjournment


Contributions of no more than $50 per member per year are accepted to meet the costs of our operations.


Meeting Minutes 07/18/2019



Trapper Creek Community Center, Milepost 115.2 George Parks Highway. Turn left on E. TC Park Circle.

?Teleconference: Locally dial 373-2663 / Participant Code 991090 or dial 907-622-2663 if not in local area

Regular Meeting, 6:30 PM, Thursday, July 18, 2019

  1. Meeting called to order 6:47 pm. Posted within fourteen days of said meeting.
  2. Determination of Quorum
  3. Board Members in Attendance: Ritenburgh, Miller, Glenka, Grelson and Morrill. ? Members: Joe May, George Faerber, Chrystal Mayer, Jason Garrett, Aubrey Marsolais. Special Guests: Borough Assembly Representative Tam Boeve, and Ken Barkley, Mat Su Emergency Medical Services Director.
  4. Approval of Agenda
  5. Reading and approval of Regular June Meeting minutes
  6. Borough Assembly Report:

Tam Boeve, District 7: Borough was not scheduled to meet in July- but did have a special session.? Land Exchange Public Notice: Borough is purchasing Tommy Moe building in Wasilla for equipment storage. There is an opportunity to lower the purchase price. Assembly will introduce the item on August 6; and the public hearing and voting will be on August 20, 2019.? Discussion ensued.

  1. Treasurer?s Report:

June activity: Disbursements: $15,084.00, including the funds to the FY2018 CAP projects.? Deposits: $15,789.00 FY2018 CAP Borough Funds. Dividends: Checking: .14, Savings: .01. Checking: $4,152.74, Savings: $25.41 = $4,178.15.

  1. Revenue Sharing/CAP Grant Project Updates:
  2. FY2017:
  3. FY2019:
  • TCCSA Operating – $10,000.00. Current activity: $234.77. Total Spent: $10,000.00. $0 remaining
  • Neighborhood Watch Grant-$2,941.17.? Current activity: $0. $2,741.17 remaining.

IX.? ? Committee Reports:

TCCSA Water Committee: The water committee Business Plan is complete. The Request for Proposal (RFP) for the design and construction should be released shortly.? Donna Lee (Village Safe Water), is to confirm the date and time of the Proposal Evaluation Committee(PEC). There is no scheduled meeting at this time.

TCCSA Water Committee will continue to update TCCC, as well as notifying the public when input on the Design/Construction requires community involvement in an open public meeting at 65% and 95% completion.

Volunteer Fire Department Committee(TCFVD): Chrystal Mayer. TCFVD received their non-profit status on July 5th. Borough business license was received July 8th. TCFVD account balance: $1,607.00.? Chrystal Mayer will take a grant writing class next week. TCVFD letters are in progress to area fire departments and communities for equipment donations.? Chrystal Mayer and Jason Garrett have a quick water setup to help people in case of a fire: a 275 gallon water container with a 5hp pump. The pump can draft and pump water.

Next meeting scheduled for Sunday, July 21, 2019, 6:30pm at the Trapper Creek Park building.

  1. Correspondence/Current Mail:? All mail was previously emailed to the membership and/or posted at the TC Post Office.
  2. Public Forum: Special guest Ken Barkley, MSB Emergency Medical Services Director:? Montana Creek and Malaspina Fires are mostly out-still have 60 fire crew members working.? No more danger of either fire spreading. There is fire equipment that the Borough wants to transfer to the TC Volunteer Fire Department.
  3. Unfinished Business:
  4. Mat-Su Community Councils for Public Safety (MSCCPS) update: ? No July meeting.
  5. FY2018 CAP/Revenue Share Funds: Funds were deposited electronically into TCCC Checking and Memorandums of Agreement (MOA) are prepared and will be signed by the accepted project entities.
  6. Neighborhood Watch Grant:? Some applications have been received with requests for items from the Neighborhood Watch Grant funds.? Next meeting set for Sunday, July 27, 2019 at 2PM
  7. New Business: None
  8. Date of next meeting scheduled for Thursday,August 15, 2019, 6:30 pm.
  9. Meeting adjourned at 7:45pm


(Minutes taken by Council Secretary, Janet Grelson)