Trapper Creek Community Center, Milepost 115.2 George Parks Highway. Turn left on E. TC Park Circle.
?Teleconference: Locally dial 373-2663 / Participant Code 991090 or dial 907-622-2663 if not in local area
Regular Meeting, 6:30 PM, Thursday, March 21, 2019
- Meeting called to order 6:48pm. Posted within fourteen days of said meeting.
- Determination of Quorum
- Board Members in Attendance:? Ritenburgh, Glenka, Grelson and Morrill.? ?Members: George Faerber, Chrystal Mayer, Jason Garrett.? Guest: Eric Chappell. Special Guests: Borough Assembly Representative Tam Boeve, Ray Nix, MSB Land Service Manager, Manny Lopez & Kierre Childers, MEA
- Approval of Agenda
- Reading and approval of February minutes: Regular Meeting & VFD Meeting
- Borough Assembly Report:
Tam Boeve, District 7: The Assembly approved the EMS legislation, passing 6-1. The legislation was amended to include the paid on-call responders.
Other legislation that was approved is for mandatory driveway permits. For the next year the fee of $50 for the permit will be waived, starting July 1, 2019. There is a form online to complete the permit application. A Borough representative will come out to the property.
There were many cuts in the proposed budget- $25 million was left in for the South Denali Gateway
- Treasurer?s Report:
February activity: Ck#235: $80.00, Mat-Su Crime Stoppers, 4 signs. Dividend: None. Checking: $2,977.19, Savings: $25.39 = $3,002.58
- Revenue Sharing/CAP Grant Project Updates:
- FY2016:
- Nordic Ski Club ?$300.00. Current activity $26.19-fuel costs. Total spent: $300.00. $0 remaining
B.?????? FY2017:
- TCCSA Operating – $10,000.00. Current activity: $1,951.77. Total Spent: $6,557.82. $3,442.18 remaining
- Upper Susitna Food Pantry – $2,900.00.? Current activity: $407.98.? Served 45 families, 105 people, and 14 seniors.? Weekend Brown Bag served 15 students per week. An increase to 11 students enrolled in the Winter Supplemental Nutrition Program (an extra food box during the winter). The Senior Pass Program is for extremely low income seniors to use the food pantry twice a month.? More families are using the bi-weekly bus. Possibly will add Wednesdays
- FY2019:
- Neighborhood Watch Grant-$2,941.17.? $80.00 spent-4 crime stopper signs. $2,741.17 remaining
- Committee Reports:
TCCSA Water Committee: Committee met March 13, 2019, to discuss design. Continued work on the Business Plan, and engineer questions were answered by the MSB. Next meeting is Tuesday, March 26, 2019, at 10am
Volunteer Fire Department Committee: Chrystal Mayer. Committee was formed at the March 18, 2019 meeting.? Per Marie Collins, State Fire Marshalls Office, the Borough Assembly must approve having a VFD in TC. Conversation with Tam Boeve, District 7 Borough Assembly Representative regarding an ordinance, resolution, etc. for Borough approval requirement. An application for Registration of a Fire Department is also needed. ?Also need to form the 501c3, bylaws. Reached out to other VFDs regarding start up, by laws, etc.? Next meeting is Sunday, March 31, 2019, at 6:30pm
X.???? Correspondence/Current Mail:? All mail was previously emailed to the membership and/or posted at the TC Post Office
- Public Forum:
Kierre Childers and Manny Lopez, MEA:? Update on annual meeting and upcoming election: Mailing on voting coming out soon. April 23, is the MEA upcoming meeting.? Start date of April for 2nd cycle of clearing from the Talkeetna Spur Road to MP 136, along the electric distribution lines.? Permission was requested from previously identified land owners to clear danger trees outside the right-of-way area along the Parks Hwy about February 8, 2019. Second letter has gone out this week to property owners that have property adjacent to MEA right-of-way property.? Question was raised about the pink flagging on the guide wires of the electric poles on Petersville Road. Information will be sent to us regarding that activity
Ray Nix, MSB Land Services Manager: Borough has mapped parcels that will have trees cut down. A $25.00 permit will be required (can be obtained on line) for those who want to take the Borough-owned wood, and there will not be a per person cord limit.
Permission form for property owners to ?Identify and Cut Down Danger Trees? are available at the TC Post Office. Trees will be cut down but not chipped, and left for the owner.
The parking lot on Oilwell Rd. (at approximately Mile 19) that was previously created by Charlie Nash: Borough will clean this area up later this year. Wood will be made available to the local people. Permit is needed
- Unfinished Business:
- Trapper Creek Fire List update: Will be updated by the VFD committee and released soon
B. ????? Mat-Su Community Councils for Public Safety (MSCCPS) update: ??A number of people were unable to attend and the meeting was postponed until next month.? Meetings are the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 6:00pm
- FY2018 CAP/Revenue Share Funds: The CAP Project information letter and project proposal forms were available at the Post Office as ofSaturday, February 23, and can be emailed. Project Proposal Forms are due Thursday, April 18, 2019/TCCC regular April meeting. Project community voting will begin Monday, April 22, through Saturday, May11, 2019 at the Library. A CAP Project Talley Committee will be formed. Funded project list will be read at the Thursday, May 16, 2019 regular TCCC meeting.
- Date for Neighborhood Watch Grant public meeting: Issue tabled
- New Business:
- TCCC RS-19-001, re: Trapper Creek Water and Well Point Project:
A resolution of TCCC to transfer ownership of the project from TCCC to TCCSA, 100%. Allows for adoption of Business Plan of the project.? Motion by Morrill to accept TCCC RS-19-001.? Seconded by Glenka. All in favor, none opposed. Motion carries
- Date of next meeting scheduled for Thursday, April 18, 2019, 6:30 pm.
?XV.??? Meeting adjourned at 8:48pm
(Minutes taken by Council Secretary, Janet Grelson)