Monthly Archives: June 2015

Special Meeting Agenda 6/28/2015

Trapper Creek Community Council


Special Meeting??????? 6:30 PM????????? Sunday, June 28, 2015


I.??????? Call to Order

II.??????? Determination of Quorum

III.??????? Business: Discuss proposed gravel pit by Kristie Parsons

IV.??????? Date of next meeting

V.??????? Adjournment


(This agenda subject to modifications according to need of the public and its members)


Trapper Creek Community Center

Milepost 115.2 George Parks Highway, turn left on E. TC Park Circle

PO Box 13021, Trapper Creek, AK 99683-0321; Teleconference (907) 733-7370


Meeting Minutes 6/18/2015


Community Park Building

Milepost 115.2 George Parks Highway, turn left on TC Park Circle

?Regular Meeting??????????? 6:30 PM??????????? Thursday, June 18, 2015


I.???????? Meeting called to order 6:37 pm.

II.??????? Board Members in Attendance: Miller, Glenka, Kolbeck and guest Randall Kowalke

III.?????? Reading and approval of minutes from May

IV.????? Assembly Report: TCCSA approved for money to finish building

V.?????? TCCSA CIP Report: $32,343.30 Remaining. No Change, getting bids ready for new building.

VI.????? RSA 30 Report: None

VII.???? Treasurer?s Report: Checking $236.44 & Savings: $25.24

VIII.??? Revenue Sharing Project Updates:

A.??????????? FY2012

1.???????????? Oral History ? $951.84 Remaining

2.???????????? TCCC Costs ? $1.35 Remaining

B.??????????? FY2013

1.???????????? TCCSA Operating ? $845.34 Remaining

2.???????????? TCCSA Conex ? $1,500 Remaining

  1. TCCSA Tools – $7.76 Remaining

IX.????? Current Mail: Read

X.?????? Public Forum: None

XI.????? Unfinished Business:

  1. FY2014 Revenue Share projects approved by Borough. Council returned notarized documents and waiting for check so can distribute funds and MOA?s to the following:
    1. Administrative Costs for Trapper Creek Community Council – $1,000
    2. Operating Expenses, June 2015-2016, TC Park & Cemetery – $12,800
    3. Upper Susitna Food Pantry – $3,000
    4. Operating funds TC Nordic Ski Club?s Bearcat Snow Machine & Two Groomers $829
    5. Trapper Creek Winter Trail Grooming – $2,500
    6. Trapper Creek Learning Garden & Pat Drover Memorial Garden Projects – Partially funded $71
  2. Highway cleanup efforts are still in effect through June 30th. Bags available at Trading Post.

XII.???? New Business:

A.??????????? Discussion for calling a special meeting to discuss proposed gravel pit. Motion made by Martin Bee to recess meeting until 6:30 pm, June 19, 2015. Motion passed unanimously. Meeting reconvened at 6: pm. Petition handed into the council to hold a special meeting to discuss proposed gravel pit. Meeting scheduled for 6:30 pm on June 28, 2015.

XIII.??? Date of next regular meeting scheduled for July 16, 2015 at 6:30 pm.

XIV.?? Meeting adjourned at 6:36 pm

(Minutes taken by Council Secretary, Levi Miller)


Trapper Creek Community Council

PO Box 13021, Trapper Creek, AK 99683-0321 (907) 733-7370 Teleconference

Donations for fire victims

Members:? In an effort to offer support to those in need due to the fires, following is the most current information provided to Council to support this effort.? We will keep you posted as we receive updates:

Willow Clinic to open Monday, June 22; donation drop-off begins

Thanks to the great work of visiting and local firemen as well as volunteers battling the Willow blaze, and if fire status does not change, the Sunshine Community Health Center in Willow will be open Monday, June 22nd at 9 a.m.

At that time, SCHC will begin taking donations at both clinics for ?those in need? from the wildfire. ?Donations can be dropped off at either the Willow or Talkeetna clinic. Sunshine Transit will transport the goods to the main community drop-off center. For those of you that may need assistance with paperwork concerning the fire damage, our patient advocates are available.

There are no words to express our gratitude for the hard work that the visiting firefighters, our Alaska Fire Fighters, Troopers, DOF, DOT, and the many volunteers have done during this time. We thank you for your care and concern for the Willow Community.

Meeting Agenda 6/18/2015

Trapper Creek Community Council


Regular Meeting?????? 6:30 PM????????? Thursday, June 18, 2015


I.??????? Call to Order

II.??????? Determination of Quorum

III.??????? Minutes of Preceding Meeting

IV.??????? Borough Assembly Report

V.??????? TCCSA CIP Report

VI.??????? RSA 30 Report

VII.??????? Treasurer Report

VIII.??????? Revenue Share Reports

  1. FY2012
    1. Oral History
    2. Council Operating Costs
  2. FY2013
    1. TCCSA Operating Expenses
    2. TCCSA Conex Container
    3. TCCSA Tools & Implements

IX.??????? Correspondence / Current Mail

X.??????? Public Forum

XI.??????? Unfinished Business

XII.??????? New Business

  1. Borough approval of FY2014 Revenue Share funding and disbursement of funds

XIII.??????? Date of next meeting

XIV.??????? Adjournment

(This agenda subject to modifications according to need of the public and its members)



Trapper Creek Community Center

Milepost 115.2 George Parks Highway, turn left on E. TC Park Circle

PO Box 13021, Trapper Creek, AK 99683-0321; Teleconference (907) 733-7370


Meeting Minutes 5/21/2015


Community Park Building

Milepost 115.2 George Parks Highway, turn left on TC Park Circle

Regular Meeting???????? 6:30 PM????????? Thursday, May 21, 2015


I.???????? Meeting called to order 6:30 pm.

II.??????? Board Members in Attendance: Miller, Glenka and Kolbeck

III.????? Reading and approval of minutes from April; and May General Meeting

IV.????? Assembly Report: None

V.?????? TCCSA CIP Report: $32,343.30 Remaining. No Change, getting bids ready for new building.

VI.????? RSA 30 Report: None

VII.??? Treasurer?s Report: Checking $236.44 & Savings: $25.24

VIII.?? Revenue Sharing Project Updates:

A.??????????? FY2012

1.??????????? Oral History ? $951.84 Remaining, No Change

2.??????????? TCCC Costs ? $1.35 Remaining, No Change

B.??????????? FY2013

1.??????????? TCCSA Operating ? $1,046.34 Remaining

2.??????????? TCCSA Conex ? $1,500 Remaining, No Change

  1. TCCSA Tools – $26.95 Remaining, No Change

IX.????? Current Mail: None

X.?????? Public Forum:

XI.????? Unfinished Business:

  1. Results of FY2014 Revenue Share project vote is as follows:
    1. Administrative Costs for Trapper Creek Community Council – $1,000
    2. Operating Expenses, June 2015-2016, TC Park & Cemetery – $12,800
    3. Upper Susitna Food Pantry – $3,000
    4. Operating funds TC Nordic Ski Club?s Bearcat Snow Machine & Two Groomers $829
    5. Trapper Creek Winter Trail Grooming – $2,500
    6. Trapper Creek Learning Garden & Pat Drover Memorial Garden Projects ? Partially funded at $71
    7. Meals and Wheels disqualified themselves
    8. YCC had a negative score ? No Funding

XII.??? New Business:

A.??????????? None

XIII.?? Date of next meeting scheduled for June 18, 2015 at 6:30 pm.

XIV.? Meeting adjourned at 7:08 pm

(Minutes taken by Council Secretary, Levi Miller)

Trapper Creek Community Council

PO Box 13021, Trapper Creek, AK 99683-0321 (907) 733-7370 Teleconference