Trapper Creek Community Center, Milepost 115.2 George Parks Highway. Turn left on E. TC Park Circle.
?Teleconference: Locally dial 373-2663 / Participant Code 991090 or dial 907-622-2663 if not in local area
Regular Meeting, 6:30 PM, Thursday, February 21, 2019
I.?????????? Meeting called to order 6:36 pm. Posted within fourteen days of said meeting.
II.????????? Determination of Quorum
III.???????? Board Members in Attendance:? Ritenburgh, Miller, Glenka, Grelson and Morrill.? ?Members: : Judith Ritenburgh, Tammy Morrill, Mary Smith, Yolanda Abalama, Amanda Garland, Eric Garland, Robin Watkins, Bobby Watkins, Chrystal Mayer, Jason Garrett, Tony Jurasek, Hannah Starbuck, Joseph Starbuck, Carol Starbuck, George Menard, Shawn Stankowitz, Jennifer Stankowitz, Lee Phillips, Eric Chappel, Garret Davidson, Phillip Manning, Kathy Ernst. Guest: Borough Assembly Representative Tam Boeve and Ken Barkley, MSB Acting Director Emergency Services
IV.???????? Approval of Agenda, with the addition of XII, B
- Reading and approval of January minutes
VI.??????? Borough Assembly Report: Tam Boeve, District 7: Gov. Dunleavy?s proposed budget would hit the MSB hard-the Community Assistance Program (CAP)/Revenue Sharing program was cut. Some cost saving measures have been implemented-a hiring freeze, a hold on Capital Projects, etc.? Mayor Halter and Manager Moosey are in Juneau this week meeting with the Governor and our representatives. There is an Assembly Special Session scheduled for 6pm, Tuesday, February 26th to discuss the financial situation.
VII.??????? Treasurer?s Report: January activity: Ck#232: $25.00, State of Alaska Corporations- Notice of Officials; (ck#233-void); Ck#234-$120.00, Mat-Su Crime Stoppers, 6 signs. Dividend: .15. Checking: $3,057.06, Savings: $25.39 = $3,082.45.
VIII.?????? Revenue Sharing/CAP Grant Project Updates:
A. ???????? FY2016:
- Nordic Ski Club ? $300.00. Current activity $43.63-fuel costs. Total spent: $273.81. $26.19 remaining
- TCCC Operating Costs ? $1,000. Current activity: $145.00. Total spent: $1,000.00. $0 remaining
B.???????? FY2017:
- TCCSA Operating – $10,000.00. Current activity: $745.73. Total Spent: $5,393.95. $4,606.05 remaining
- Upper Susitna Food Pantry – $2,900.00.? Current activity: $840.31.??? Served 45 families, 105 people, and 16 seniors.? Weekend Brown Bag has increased to 15 students per week.? 7 students are enrolled in the Winter Supplemental Nutrition Program (an extra food box during the winter)
C.?????? FY2019:
- Neighborhood Watch Grant-$2,941.17.? $120.00 spent-6 crime stopper signs. $2,821.17 remaining
- Correspondence/Current Mail: ?Governor Dunleavy?s office had requested to be added to our TCCC email list and to receive mailings. Ritenburgh, Glenka and Morrill received phone calls from the Governor?s Office to say they appreciate our sending agenda and minutes and that they are supportive of our community, and of our community CAP projects.? Mail was previously emailed to the membership and a list of that mail was provided.
- Public Forum:
Ken Barkley-Proposed EMS Changes:
Mr. Barkley gave his background information and beginnings of the volunteerism culture in the beginning of EMS services in the Borough. Borough is beginning the implementation of PAT/Physical Assessment Test, a national testing requirement. ?Implementation is ongoing throughout the Borough. Borough wants to add more full-time personnel, as current staff is overworked. Borough does not want to eliminate paid on-call personnel. There are currently 4 manned ambulances throughout the Borough at any time-from MP203 South to Sutton & Lake Louise (2 in Wasilla, 1 in Palmer, 1 in Big Lake). Goal is for 6 manned ambulances. Staffing costs $450-$460,000 for a full time paramedic and an EMTII. This does not count the paid on-call staffing of 2 per day.? Current sign up for shift system will not change.? Currently looking to hire 25 more.? March 5 the Assembly will vote on the current legislation: MSB Ordinance 19-021 and 19-026.? Barkley will address the Assembly regarding the on-call system and how it will remain and will look at an addendum for this.
AK State Trooper Lee Phillips: Currently 1 Trooper assigned to come up from Wasilla to cover our area, since the Talkeetna Trooper Station shut down 4 years ago. Alaska currently short approximately 50 troopers. Best deterrent is keeping an eye out for suspicious behavior and reporting it
- Unfinished Business:
- Village Safe Water Program (VSW):? ?A formal Water Committee was established at the TCCSA meeting on February 16, 2019. Committee members:? Paula Glenka, James Morrill, Lon McCullough, Dave Ritenburgh and Elise Dooley. Business Plan Writing Services Agreement signed by Council, is between Trapper Creek Community Council ?Community?, and Agnew-Beck Consulting, Inc. ?Contractor?, Term Contract Number 18-VSW-VAR-002-00, Work Order Number TRC-WO-11-19.? TCCSA Water Committee is working on the Business Plan Work Order (WO) with Agnew-Beck and reporting to Village Safe Water (VSW), Donna Lee.? TCCSA Water Committee will continue to update Council, as well as notify the public when drafts on the WO occur, for community involvement in open public meetings
The Water Point Project is on step 3 of the MSB instructions-the acquisition for land from the Mat-Su Borough.? The site plan is in the platting process, and are awaiting Borough update on acreage and survey
- Trapper Creek Fire List update: The Trapper Creek Community Fire List has been pulled from the Post Office and will be updated
- Mat-Su Community Councils for Public Safety (MSCCPS) update: Captain April introduced members of the BHP (Bureau of Highway Patrol) which were assigned to the Borough as of February 1. Biggest enforcement issue in the Borough is not theft, but collision. The BHP team will focus on that problem, with 40% of their time spent on corridor roads. 3 new early hire troopers were introduced, and they are headed for the Trooper Academy. Meetings are the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 6:00pm.
- Volunteer Fire Department Update: A special meeting was held on Monday, February 18, 2019, at the TCCSA Park building. A good turnout at the meeting and many questions were asked.? Tam Boeve, Assemblyperson District 7, Borough Assembly; Ken Barkley, Deputy Director, Fire/Rescue were on hand.? Separate minutes were taken for the meeting and will be sent out to the TCCC & TCCSA membership.
- New Business:
- FY2018 CAP/Revenue Share Grant: Community Assistance Program funds for FY2018- $15,789.00 are available.
The CAP Project information letter and project proposal forms will be available at the Post Office beginning Saturday, February 23, and can be emailed. Project Proposal Forms are due Thursday, April 18, 2019/TCCC regular April meeting. Project community voting will begin Monday, April 22, through Saturday, May11, 2019 at the Library. A CAP Project Talley Committee will be formed. Funded project list will be read at the Thursday, May 16, 2019 regular TCCC meeting.
Motion by Glenka: TCCC put in a FY2018 Project proposal for $1,000.00 for Council?s operating expenses. 2nd by Morrill. 3 in favor, 1 opposed.? Motion carries.
Motion: by Morrill.? Proposal made that TCCC make a FY2018 project proposal to hold in reserve $4,000.00 due to the MSB budget cuts of the CAP funds and used for potential future projects voted on by the TCCC community. 2nd by Glenka.? 3 in favor, 1 opposed. Motion carries.
- Set meeting date for Neighborhood Watch meeting:? Item was tabled
- Date of next meeting scheduled for Thursday, March 21, 2019, 6:30 pm.
XIV.?????? Meeting adjourned at 9:50 pm
(Minutes taken by Council Secretary, Janet Grelson)