Monthly Archives: July 2015

Meeting Agenda 8/20/2015

Trapper Creek Community Council


Regular Meeting?????? 6:30 PM????????? Thursday, August 20, 2015


I.??????? Call to Order

II.??????? Determination of Quorum

III.??????? Minutes of Preceding Meeting

IV.??????? Borough Assembly Report

V.??????? TCCSA CIP Report

VI.??????? RSA 30 Report

VII.??????? Treasurer Report

VIII.??????? Revenue Share Reports

  1. FY2012
    1. Oral History
    2. Council Operating
  2. FY2013
    1. TCCSA Operating
    2. TCCSA Conex
  3. FY2014
    1. TCCSA Operating
    2. Council Operating
    3. Upper Susitna Food Pantry
    4. Nordic Ski Club
    5. Winter Trail Grooming
    6. Learning Garden

IX.??????? Correspondence / Current Mail

X.??????? Public Forum

XI.??????? Unfinished Business

XII.??????? New Business

XIII.??????? Date of Next meeting

XIV.??????? Adjournment


(This agenda subject to modifications according to need of the public and its members)


Trapper Creek Community Center

Milepost 115.2 George Parks Highway, turn left on E. TC Park Circle

PO Box 13021, Trapper Creek, AK 99683-0321; Teleconference (907) 733-7370

from Randall Kowalke to TCCC

Date: Wed, Jul 8, 2015 at 3:52 PM
Subject: A note to the Community
To: Trapper Creek Community Council <>


Please find attached a note to the Community. Please distribute this in the way you feel will be best! This is the only email address I have.

Additionally, I will have some yard signs for you in the near future.





?Government by the People?
As a number of you know , I have been a regular attendee
at the Trapper Creek Community Council
meetings and believe that I have come to understand
some of the more important issues facing you. I certainly
do not believe that by attending six months of
meetings that I have all the answers BUT I am beginning
to understand the questions and I am counting
on you to help me now and as we move forward.
I truly believe that our Borough government should be
run ?by the people for the people?!
Additionally, I live a Mile 80 of the Parks Highway and
can assure you that the North end of our District will
not be ignored!
I promise to work with your representatives on Oilwell
Road and the completion of your Community Center
project as well your future endeavors.
I ask for your vote on October 6th, 2015.
Dear Trapper Creek Resident,
Paid for by Kowalke for Assembly PO Box 516, Willow, Alaska 99688
Best Regards,
Randall D Kowalke

to TCCC re: Fire Department

From: Tamara Boeve <>
Date: Sun, Jul 5, 2015 at 7:41 PM
Subject: Fire Dept
To: Tamara Boeve <>

Monday, July 6 at 7pm- WACO Meeting at the Willow Community Center.?We?will be addressing the use of the WACO email list for personal?reasons. I?do not think this?is an appropriate?use of this forum and have concerns that if this continues- folks will opt out of receiving the WACO emails altogether. If you wish to be part of this conversation- I encourage you to attend.

Thursday, July 9 at 7pm – FSA Board of Supervisors Meeting at Station 12-1. Get updates on the new stations at Crystal Lakes and Nancy Lake, equipment upgrades, and the Sockeye Fire. Chief Greene and the responders have been working long hours the last three weeks and this is a great opportunity to show them how much we appreciate them and that we will continue to support them.

I want to give a shout out to the Willow Play Group. They dressed as Hot Shots/firefighters in the 4th of July parade and they were AWESOME.

And now, politics. And yes- it does have to do with the Willow Fire Dept:
We have 2 Willow residents currently running for the District 7 Assembly Seat- Doyle Holmes and Randall Kowalke. Both of these men have played pivotal roles in the Fire Dept saga this spring. Doyle Holmes working actively to prevent both the purchase of the new Nancy Lake Fire Station and the mill rate increase. Randall Kowalke?consistently supporting the Willow Fire Dept.
And Vern Halter is running against Mayor Larry DeVilbiss. Vern has worked hard representing the Willow community and improving our local emergency services. We could not have made the Nancy Lake purchase or gotten our mill rate increase without him. The current Mayor has been in opposition to both.
I encourage everyone to get involved this election season and help ensure that the progress we?ve made in our community is not in any way compromised. Randall Kowalke and Vern Halter have shown their support for the Willow Fire Dept, now it is time for us to support them.

As always, if you wish to have your name removed from this list- just send me an email.

Thanks to the firefighters for their continued efforts in fighting the Sockeye Fire. It?s not over yet- I have fire trucks in my yard to prove it.


Meeting Agenda 7/16/2015

Trapper Creek Community Council


Regular Meeting?????? 6:30 PM????????? Thursday, July 16, 2015


I.??????? Call to Order

II.??????? Determination of Quorum

III.??????? Minutes of Preceding Meeting

IV.??????? Borough Assembly Report

V.??????? TCCSA CIP Report

VI.??????? RSA 30 Report

VII.??????? Treasurer Report

VIII.??????? Revenue Share Reports

  1. FY2012
    1. Oral History
    2. Council Operating Costs
  2. FY2013
    1. TCCSA Operating Expenses
    2. TCCSA Conex Container
    3. TCCSA Tools & Implements

IX.??????? Correspondence / Current Mail

X.??????? Public Forum

XI.??????? Unfinished Business

  1. Spring Community Clean-Up ? Results and filing to Borough
  2. Acknowledgment of Distribution of MOAs and FY2014 Funding

XII.??????? New Business:

  1. Biennial Report for the filing of the Articles of Incorporation
  2. Semi Annual Reports to Borough

XIII.??????? Date of next meeting

XIV.??????? Adjournment


(This agenda subject to modifications according to need of the public and its members)


Trapper Creek Community Center

Milepost 115.2 George Parks Highway, turn left on E. TC Park Circle

PO Box 13021, Trapper Creek, AK 99683-0321; Teleconference (907) 733-7370


Meeting Minutes 6/28/2015


Community Park Building

Milepost 115.2 George Parks Highway, turn left on TC Park Circle

General/Special Meeting??????????? 6:30 PM

Thursday, June 28, 2015


I.???????? Meeting called to order 6:39 pm.

II.??????? Board Members in Attendance: Miller, Grelson Kolbeck and Glenka. Members present: Shawn and Jennifer Stankowitz, Randolph Killian, John Glenka, Klaus Lerch, Martin and Diane Bee, Laura DeRungs, Ken and Peggy Marsh, Angela Parsons, Lon McCullough and Kristie Parsons.

III.?????? Agenda approved. Parsons objects to two Council members not stepping aside due to their being somewhat closely tied to the issue.

IV.????? Public Forum: Open discussion on the proposed gravel pit issue.


Parsons previous practices

Road access

Hours of operation

Noise pollution

Proper engineering

Potential of expansion of operation (Rock Crusher and Asphalt Plant)

Water contamination

Crossing of the stream

Wetland crossing at the existing ADL (secondary access)

The effect on local business and property values

What will happen to the over burden

Access road being close to the stream

Development of the lot closer to the road


Straw poll of gravel pit opposition: 8 opposed to pit, 3 in favor of pit, 2 abstained

Discussion of the talking points that will be brought forth by a Council representative as public comment to the Borough at the Planning meeting July 6th in Palmer.

Motion by Grelson to accept the talking points discussed at the meeting, seconded by Diane Bee. Motion passed unanimously.

V.?????? Meeting adjourned at 9:05 pm

(Minutes taken by Council Secretary, Levi Miller)


Trapper Creek Community Council

PO Box 13021, Trapper Creek, AK 99683-0321 (907) 733-7370 Teleconference