Monthly Archives: May 2024

Proposal To Extend Trapper Creek Community Council Boundary.

Trapper Creek Community Council has proposed to a minor change to the Council’s boundary lines to accommodate some residents who live on the fringe areas of the current boundary. The changes would be to extend the boundary line on Oil Well Road from mile 8.5 to Kroto Creek mile 14.5, and from Parks Hwy mile 132 to mile 136. Council believes the current boundary lines fall short to accurately reflect who resides in Trapper Creek on a full time basis. The only change this would accomplish is it would allow those in the boundaries as those within the current boundary to run for Council seat and vote on matters that are important to the community. Some have had questions regarding this proposal and the one often asked is (will this give people who do not reside here permanently the right to vote?) The answer is NO. As per Councils by laws and election criteria you must be a full time resident of trapper Creek not just someone who owns a cabin for recreational use and a weekend warrior Although Council has open meetings and allows anyone to comment you must fall under Council criteria to run for office and vote.

Attached is the proposed boundary changes and a link to Mat Su Boro’s current Council Map. You may respond with comments to

Thank You.

Mat Su Boro Map

Boundary Proposal Changes Updates.

Attached is the email from Julie Spackman from Mat Su Boro outlining the procedure to follow for submitting Trapper Creek Councils proposal to make minor changes to Councils service area within Trapper Creek.

Trapper Creek CC boundary change next steps

Julie Spackman <>Tue, Mar 26, 10:32 AM
to me, Alex

Good day, it was a pleasure to meet you last week at the TCCC meeting. I look forward to working with you as you present your boundary change proposal to your community, and to the MSB  Assembly.
Here are the next steps needed to move your proposal forward with the Borough:

  • TCCC adopts a formal resolution that redefines the geographic boundaries for the Community Council
    • MSB staff can assist with creating a proposed map to include with the resolution
  • TCCC submits the following documents to the Borough Clerk’s office (email to: ​ Please copy Alex Strawn ( and me ( on this submission:
    • Resolution with proposed boundary changes
    • Revised Trapper Creek CC boundary map
    • Proof of notice to current TCCC residents, as well as residents proposed to be incorporated into the new boundaries (copy of mailer(s), post office receipt, meeting notes, mailing list, etc.)
      • MSB staff can assist by providing a mailing list of residents within the current TCCC boundary, as well as residents in the proposed boundary expansion
  • MSB staff members review boundary change request – if any concerns or adjustments arise within the review, they will be communicated to TCCC board members
  • If there are no concerns or adjustments needed to the boundary change proposal, MSB Planning staff will draft a legislation for the MSB Assembly
  • MSB Assembly will consider the boundary change proposal

Please feel free to reach out with any additional questions, for assistance with mapping, and for mailing lists.
In partnership,

  Julie SpackmanLong Range Plannerjulie.spackman@matsugov.usDesk: 907-861-7815Work Cell: 907-795-6580Matanuska-Susitna Borough350 E Dahlia Ave Palmer, AK 99645