Monthly Archives: November 2013

Meeting Agenda 11/21/2013

Community Park Building – Trapper Creek Community Council
Regular Meeting 6:30 PM November 21, 2013

Call to Order
Determination of Quorum
Read & Approval of Minutes from October
Assembly Report – TCCSA CIP Status Report ? Modular Building
RSA 30 Report ? Current progress
Officers Report
Revenue Sharing Project Committee Progress Reports
? FY2010
? Playground Equipment
? FY2012
? Oral History
? TC Park Operating Costs
? Artist in School Program
? Council Administration Funds
Correspondence/Current Mail
? Alaska Railroad 3rd Quarter Newsletter
.Unfinished Business
? Announcement of candidates running for the three open seats to the TCCC board of directors. A list of candidates will be posted at Post Office on November 22 and Library on November 23. Voting is Monday, December 2 through Saturday, December 7, 2013, at the Trapper Creek library during library hours.
New Business
Date of next meeting

(This agenda subject to modifications according to need of the public and its members)

Meeting Minutes 10/17/2013

Trapper Creek Community Council
Official Meeting Minutes October 17, 2013

Meeting called to order 6:30 pm.
Board Members in Attendance: Miller, Glenka, Kolbeck, Leo. Community members in attendance: Lon McCullough, Juliah DeLoach & Mike, Jeff & Janet Grelson, Tom Daniels, George & Kaye Faerber, Earl Theroux, Rick Ernst, Gary or Greg, James Stanley, Debbie Garrett, Klaus Lerch, Donna Massey, Jennie Earles, Craig Cebula, Mr. & Mrs. Boone. Teleconference Molly Duren. Assemblyman Vern Halter, RSA Joan Medberry, and RSA Mike Lachelt.
Reading and approval of minutes from September meeting.
Assembly Report
? TCCSA CIP Report: Gravel delivered and spread out. Sonotubes set, building being prepared for being set in place. First CIP spent. Second coming.
RSA 30 Report: Nothing new to report.
Treasurer?s Report: Checking $966.20 & Savings: $25.18
Revenue Sharing Project Updates:
? Playground Equipment ? Playground designed and parts to finish have been ordered from Moore?s Hardware. On hold until spring.
? Oral History ? 28 transcripts done.
? TC Park Operating Costs – $700 remaining.
? Artist in School Program ? No funds spent.
? Council Administrative Funds ? $731.64 remaining.
Current Mail: Read
Public Forum: None
Unfinished Business:
? RSA 30 board wants TCCC support for paving the first 6 miles of Oilwell Road. Public comment was taken. Leo made motion to support RSA 30 Resolution to pave first 6 miles of Oilwell Road. Yes: Glenka and Kolbeck. No: Miller
New Business: TCCC seeking candidates to fill three board seats. Applications available at TC Post Office and Library as of October 21st. Application deadline is November 21, 2013. Voting is December 2nd through 7th, during library hours. TCCC elections will be held at December 19 meeting. Board positions to take seat January 16, 2014.
Date of next meeting scheduled for November 21, 2013 at 6:30 pm.
Meeting adjourned at 8:58 pm

(Minutes taken by Council Secretary, Levi Miller)

Approved: ____________________________ _____________________________
Chairperson Date Secretary Date