Regular Meeting??????????? 6:30 PM??????????? Thursday, February 18, 2016
I.???????? Meeting called to order 6:37 pm.
II.??????? Board Members in Attendance: Grelson, Glenka, Kolbeck and Miller. Members Present: Lon McCullough, Christina Kirksey, Ken Marsh, Diane and Martin Bee, and JP Glenka. Assemblyman Randall Kowalke and his wife Karen.
III.?????? Reading and approval of minutes from January 21, 2016
IV.????? Assembly Report: Susitna Council meetings to be set on the same day as TCCC. IMD Trapper Creek Gravel was rejected. Marijuana regulations to come before assembly.
V.?????? TCCSA CIP Report: CIP#3 expended. CIP#4 Funding of $10,000 expected shortly.
VI.????? RSA 30 Report: None
VII.???? Treasurer?s Report: Checking $727.52 & Savings: $25.27
VIII.??? Revenue Sharing Project Updates:
A.??????????? FY2012
1.???????????? Oral History ? $264.71 remaining
B.??????????? FY2013
1.???????????? TCCSA Conex ? $1,406.54 remaining
C. ?????????? FY2014
1.??????????? TCCSA Operating Costs – $6510.03 remaining
2.??????????? TCCC Operating Costs – $501.55 remaining
3.??????????? Nordic Ski Club – $260.45 remaining
4.??????????? Winter Trail Grooming – $1,610 remaining
5.??????????? Learning Garden – $71.00 remaining
IX.????? Current Mail: Read
X.?????? Public Forum: None
XI.????? Unfinished Business:
- Review of the election results and seating of the new board are as follows: Kirksey & Miller to receive two year terms, Glenka & Kolbeck to receive one year term. Chair-Paula Glenka, Vice chair- Ralph Kolbeck, Secretary- Levi Miller, Treasurer- Christina Kirksey. Motion to accept the slate as proposed by Miller seconded Kolbeck passed unanimously. Janet Grelson to be removed as a signer on all TCCC banking accounts. Christina Kirksey to be added as a signer on all TCCC banking accounts.
- Results of the February 2, 2016 Assembly meeting on IMD Trapper Creek Gravel.
XII.???? New Business: ?None
XIII.??? Date of next meeting scheduled for March 17, 2016
XIV.?? Meeting adjourned at 7:31 pm
(Minutes taken by Council Secretary, Levi Miller)
Trapper Creek Community Council
PO Box 13021, Trapper Creek, AK 99683-0321 (907) 733-7370 Teleconference