Category Archives: Revenue Sharing Program

Information and documents related to the Community Revenue Sharing Program

Trapper Creek Community Services Assn. Proposal for Conex Purchase


Community Revenue Sharing Program

Proposed projects presented to TCCC Board will be reviewed at the regular meeting April 17, 2014, 6:30 pm, at Trapper Creek Community Services park building. People who are proposing a project are invited to attend this meeting to answer questions about their project. Council reserves the right to return any application that does not provide supporting documentation. Voting on the proposed projects will be April 21 thru May 10, 2014 at Trapper Creek Library during regular business hours.

At the May 15, 2014 Council meeting the voting results will be revealed and prioritized for submittal to the Matsu Borough for project approval. The anticipated turnaround time from the Borough for an amended scope of work is approximately two (2) weeks.

Name of Project: Conex Container for Tractor Storage

Contact: ???????Trapper Creek community Services Association, Inc.

Phone Number:?? 907-733-7375

Address: ???????PO Box 13049, Trapper Creek, Alaska 99683



Brief description of the project: What is your proposed project? Please describe it.

TCCSA has utilized the Conex at the park for about five years for storage and lately housing the tractor and implements. Don Shaw has generously allowed us to use his container during this time, but in June 2014 he will be moving it from the park to his place. This leaves the park without a safe place to store the tractor. This is a proposal for $5500 for purchasing a suitable 10? x 40? Conex container, moving it to the park, and preparing a location for setting it up in a new location.

Who, why and approximately how many people in our community will benefit from completion of this project?

Secure storage would help to ensure the safety of the community?s investment in a John Deer 1026R tractor and implements for the maintenance of Trapper Creek Park and Cemetery

?? Is there evidence of public support for this project? If so, please attach.

The community has a vested interest in storing the tractor in a secure place.

Project Budget: Please provide project budget figures. Provide supporting documentation.

A general call around indicates that 10? x 20? Conex containers now cost around $4500 with transportation to the park an additional $500. We estimate $500 for preparing a location for setting up the container, which will involve dirt work and additional gravel. The total budget for a suitable container would be $5500.

Will this project provide economic benefits to the community? If so, please explain.

An investment in storage for the tractor would prevent theft and ensure that the tractor is out of the weather.

Please provide an estimated time schedule for completion of the project if funding is received.

Should this proposal get community approval, a Conex container would be purchased in June 2014.


Trapper Creek Community Services Assn. Proposal for Purchase of Tools


Community Revenue Sharing Program

Proposed projects presented to TCCC Board will be reviewed at the regular meeting April 17, 2014, 6:30 pm, at Trapper Creek Community Services park building. People who are proposing a project are invited to attend this meeting to answer questions about their project. Council reserves the right to return any application that does not provide supporting documentation. Voting on the proposed projects will be April 21 thru May 10, 2014 at Trapper Creek Library during regular business hours.

At the May 15, 2014 Council meeting the voting results will be revealed and prioritized for submittal to the Matsu Borough for project approval. The anticipated turnaround time from the Borough for an amended scope of work is approximately two (2) weeks.

Name of Project: Tools and Implements for Operation and Maintenance

Contact: ?????Trapper Creek Community Services Association, Inc.

Phone Number: 907-733-7375

Address: ???????PO Box 13049, Trapper Creek, Alaska 99683



Brief description of the project: What is your proposed project? Please describe it.

Trapper Creek Park and Cemetery has been operating for years with only the minimal amount of tools. Volunteers have been using their own tools for maintenance and frequently Mike Carpenter of Wal*Mikes has generously loaned volunteers many tools to use, as well. This proposal asks for $2000 for a complete set of tools that can be used for the community gardens, cemetery, trails, repairs, building and snow removal. These tools would be stored in the shed.

Who, why and approximately how many people in our community will benefit from completion of this project?

Everyone in the community would benefit by a smoothly running park. Tools are necessary to carry out all sorts of projects at the park and cemetery.

Is there evidence of public support for this project? If so, please attach.

The community has always expressed a need for proper maintenance and operations of the park through volunteerism. The proper tools would sure go a long way in ensuring that services will be provided to the community on a continuing basis.

Project Budget: Please provide project budget figures. Provide supporting documentation.

The tally of the average price for each of the following tools totals $2000. The tools needed for a smooth operation of the park include: grease gun, filter wrench, combo set of wrenches, ratchet socket set, framing hammer, hand saw, pruning saw, crosscut saw, 100? drain snake, step ladder, extension ladder, spud bar, grain shovel, hand tiller, pipe wrenches, set of crescent wrenches, splitting mall, axe, bench vice, garden spades, garden rake, leaf rake, hoses, hose carrier, utility wagon, peg boards, copper tubing implements, and a tool box.

Will this project provide economic benefits to the community? If so, please explain.

The proper tools would increase the proficiency of any project.

Please provide an estimated time schedule for completion of the project if funding is received.

Should this proposal be approved by your vote, all would be purchased in June 2014.


Trapper Creek Community Services Assn. Proposal to Complete Outbuildings


Community Revenue Sharing Program

Proposed projects presented to TCCC Board will be reviewed at the regular meeting April 17, 2014, 6:30 pm, at Trapper Creek Community Services park building. People who are proposing a project are invited to attend this meeting to answer questions about their project. Council reserves the right to return any application that does not provide supporting documentation. Voting on the proposed projects will be April 21 thru May 10, 2014 at Trapper Creek Library during regular business hours.

At the May 15, 2014 Council meeting the voting results will be revealed and prioritized for submittal to the Matsu Borough for project approval. The anticipated turnaround time from the Borough for an amended scope of work is approximately two (2) weeks.

Name of Project: Finish Park Outbuildings: Shed, Shelter, and Freebox

Contact: ?????????Trapper Creek Community Services Association, Inc.

Phone Number:?? 907-733-7375

Address:???????? PO Box 13049, Trapper Creek, Alaska 99683



Brief description of the project: What is your proposed project? Please describe it.

Trapper Creek Park and Cemetery has three outbuildings (Shed, Shelter, and Freebox) that need completed. All three buildings require a protective coating that will help to preserve the wood from the elements. A work bench, tool storage and some interior finish work is necessary in the shed. The shelter is missing flashing on the side facia boards, which we have on hand. For the freebox the interior needs sheeting on the ceiling and gable ends, a heating source, a metal roof, more gravel, 100 gallon fuel tank and fuel, and the porch needs enlarging. The cost estimate for this project is $6658.50.

Who, why and approximately how many people in our community will benefit from completion of this project?

This project will protect the structures from the weather, provide ease of use, and help to make the freebox warm in the winter, so that it can be open more often. All of these will increase the life of the buildings, which will benefit all the park use

Is there evidence of public support for this project? If so, please attach.

Yes, all three buildings were supported by vote of the community. Finishing the buildings is in everyone?s best interest.

Project Budget: Please provide project budget figures. Provide supporting documentation.

This project proposal includes $2583.50 for materials required to build a work bench and finish the interior of the shed, all the material to complete the interior of the freebox with the addition of a metal roof and preservative for all three buildings; $150 for a load of gravel and typar, $1700 for a Toyotomi OM 23 heating unit for the freebox, $400 for a 100 gallon obround oil tank, $200 for an oil tank stand, $425 for diesel, and $1200 for 80 hours of labor. The total for this project is $6658.50.

Will this project provide economic benefits to the community? If so, please explain.

This project should go a long way in requiring less maintenance in the future, more utility for the public and volunteers, and will increase the aesthetic appeal of all three buildings.

Please provide an estimated time schedule for completion of the project if funding is received.

Should this project benefit by your vote, the project will be completed in the summer of 2014.


Trapper Creek Community Services Assn. Proposal to buy Tractor Implements


Community Revenue Sharing Program

Proposed projects presented to TCCC Board will be reviewed at the regular meeting April 17, 2014, 6:30 pm, at Trapper Creek Community Services park building. People who are proposing a project are invited to attend this meeting to answer questions about their project. Council reserves the right to return any application that does not provide supporting documentation. Voting on the proposed projects will be April 21 thru May 10, 2014 at Trapper Creek Library during regular business hours.

At the May 15, 2014 Council meeting the voting results will be revealed and prioritized for submittal to the Matsu Borough for project approval. The anticipated turnaround time from the Borough for an amended scope of work is approximately two (2) weeks.

Name of Project: Additional Implements for John Deere 1026R Tractor

Contact: Trapper Creek Community Services?? ???Phone Number: 907-733-7375

Address: PO Box 13049, Trapper Creek AK 99683 E-mail:


Brief description of the project: What is your proposed project? Please describe it.

The Trapper Creek Park and Cemetery, which is owned by the residents of Trapper Creek and managed by the non-profit Trapper Creek Community Services Association, Inc., consists of approximately 82 acres of which approximately 20 acres has been cleared.

?We propose the purchase of two additional implements for our John Deere 1026R tractor, a replacement filter kit for maintenance of the tractor, and delivery to Trapper Creek for a projected cost of $3332.29 from Craig Taylor Equipment of Wasilla.

Over time the cleared area has become uneven with frost heaves and rutting. On a seasonal basis a disk harrow would serve to condition the open field area, disk the community garden, level out the western addition to the cemetery, as well as serve many additional purposes in the future.

?? A moveable pallet fork attachment would ensure ease of moving tractor attachments in and out of the storage building and aid in moving any heavy material from any part of the park.

?? A filter pack kit would provide all the replacement filters and parts for proper and regular maintenance of the tractor.

?? Who, why and approximately how many people in our community will benefit from completion of this project?

As the park belongs to all residents of the community, everyone would benefit.

Is there evidence of public support for this project? If so, please attach.

The community has consistently shown support for the development and maintenance of our park, as evidenced by approval of past Revenue Sharing proposals, including purchase of a tractor and implements.

?Project Budget: Please provide project budget figures. Provide supporting documentation.

Craig Taylor Equipment has provided a cost proposal for:

?Frontier 4 foot Disk Harrow with 12 Notched Blades on 7.5 In. Spacing?? $ 1,753.00

?Frontier 42 inch Pallet Forks for H120 loader on 1026R Tractor ??????? $ 1,275.00??????????

?Filter Pak – part number LVA14891 ???????????????????????????????????$?? 79.29

? Delivery to Trapper Creek ???????????????????????????????????????????? $ 225.00

????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????? Total?? $ 3332.29??

? Will this project provide economic benefits to the community? If so, please explain.

Maintaining the Trapper Creek Park and Cemetery with our own equipment will provide savings for a long time into the future.

?Please provide an estimated time schedule for completion of the project if funding is received.

Should the people of Trapper Creek approve this proposal, the implements would be purchased in June 2014.


Proposal to Upgrade Trapper Creek Dumpster Access


Community Revenue Sharing Program

Project proposals must be for purposes that benefit the community.

?Proposed projects presented to TCCC Board will be reviewed at the regular meeting April 17, 2014, 6:30 pm, at Trapper Creek Community Services park building. People who are proposing a project are invited to attend this meeting to answer questions about their project. Council reserves the right to return any application that does not provide supporting documentation. Voting on the proposed projects will be April 21 thru May 10, 2014 at Trapper Creek Library during regular business hours.

At the May 15, 2014 Council meeting the voting results will be revealed and prioritized for submittal to the Matsu Borough for project approval. The anticipated turnaround time from the Borough for an amended scope of work is approximately two (2) weeks.


Contact?? SHAWN STANKOWITZ?? Phone Number: 907-733-2315?? CELL 841-5041

Address: PO Box 13167_______ ???????Fax Number907-733-1467_________

Trapper Creek, AK 99683 _______?? E-mail: tctp@mtao

Brief description of the project: What is your proposed project? Please describe it.

The current dumpster facility is not easily used by many memers of the community. Presently, in order to put trash into the dumpster one must hoist a heavy container up to shoulder level, and then throw it into the dumpster.?? This is difficult for many, especially our senior citizens, women and any person of a small stature.

We propose constructing a raised ramp 18X40X4 which will allow access by either backing a vehicle to the dumpster or walking up and disposing of trash at waist high level.

Who, why and approximately how many people in our community will benefit from completion of this project?

All of the citizens of Trapper Creek will benefit from this improvement, especially senior citizens, women and any person of small stature.?? It will no longer be necessary to hoist a container of trash above body height to put it the dumpster.

Is there evidence of public support for this project? If so, please attach.

A concern about this was raised at a recent community council meeting by a senior citizen and options were discussed at that time, with no voices heard opposing a raised ramp.?? The discussion revolved around who might best solve this problem.?? MSB is unwilling to provide the upgrade.

Project Budget: Please provide project budget figures. Provide supporting documentation.

Gravel, 106 yards X $4.00 per yard?????????????????????????? ?????? $425.00

Railroad Ties?? $75.00 each @ 12.00?????????????????????????????????????? 900.00

Railroad Tie pickup???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 200.00

Fuel for equipment????? ???????????????????????????????????????? 500.00

Miscellaneous screws, fasteners????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 425.00

Total project budget???????????????????????????????????????????? 2500.00

A donation of equipment and labor has been offered for construction of the ramp.

Will this project provide economic benefits to the community? If so, please explain.

This will not provide economic benefit to the community but will improve quality of life.

Please provide an estimated time schedule for completion of the project if funding is received.

We believe this project can be completed by July 1, 2014 if funding is promptly received.