Trapper Creek Community Center, Milepost 115.2 George Parks Highway. Turn left on E. TC Park Circle.
?Teleconference: Locally dial 373-2663 / Participant Code 991090 or dial 907-622-2663 if not in local area
Regular Meeting, 6:30 PM, Thursday, August 15, 2019
- Meeting called to order 6:39 pm. Posted within fourteen days of said meeting.
- Determination of Quorum
- Board Members in Attendance: Ritenburgh, Miller, Glenka, Grelson and Morrill. ? Members: Tony Jurasek. Special Guests: Borough Assembly Representative Tam Boeve, Jake Almeida (Staff to State Senator Shower), Jerad McClure (Staff to State Representative Eastman).
- Approval of Agenda
- Reading and approval of Regular July Meeting minutes
- Borough Assembly Report:
Tam Boeve, District 7: Follow up on Montana Creek Fire-cause determined to be lightning. Malaspina Fire- cause yet to be determined.? Status of Borough Land Exchange: item pulled from August 20, 2019, Borough Assembly Meeting. No Further information. Items being discussed by Assembly: 2% Sales tax-discussion at 8/20/19 meeting- could be added to November 5, 2019 ballot; Assembly term limits: currently two (2) terms- considering limiting to one (1) term.? Could be added to November 5, 2019 ballot; Rebate of 2020 Property taxes-more information next month; JA International (a group of companies): possible timber harvest for export.
Fish & Wildlife Committee meets every third (3rd) Thursday of the month.
- Treasurer?s Report:
July activity: Disbursements: None.? Deposits: None. Dividends: Checking: .25, Savings: None.? Checking: $4,152.99, Savings: $25.41 = $4,178.40.
- Revenue Sharing/CAP Grant Project Updates:
- FY2018:
- FY2019:
- Trapper Creek Volunteer Fire Dept (TCVFD): $1,000.00. No report given.
- TCCSA Operating – $10,000.00. $8,613.11 remaining
- Trapper Creek Community Council (TCCC): $1,000.00.? No expenditures.? $975.00 remaining
- Upper Susitna Food Pantry Operations: $3,789.00. Current expenditures: $611.15. Remaining: $3,177.85 remaining.? 33 Families served, 66 individuals served, 23 Senior boxes. 16 Trapper Creek seniors enrolled in the Senior Pass Program. The weekend brown bag program will begin in the schools by the first week of September.? There is a new program for seniors: R.I.P.P.L.E.S.-Free lunches for low income seniors (60+) each Tuesday at the Upper Susitna Center.
- Neighborhood Watch Grant-$2,941.17.? Current activity: $0. $2,741.17 remaining.
IX.? ? Committee Reports:
TCCSA Water Committee: The Request for Proposal (RFP) for the design and construction should was released on July 19, 2019, with Addendum Three requesting proposals due August 16, 2019. Date and time of PEC (Proposed Evaluation Committee), has yet to be confirmed.? Revised project completion is now May 31, 2020. There is no scheduled meeting at this time. TCCSA Water Committee will continue to update TCCC.
Volunteer Fire Department Committee(TCFVD): No report given
- Correspondence/Current Mail:
All mail was previously emailed to the membership and/or posted at the TC Post Office.
- Public Forum:
Special guest speakers Jake Almeida, State Senator Shower?s office and Jerad McClure, State Representative Eastman?s office:
Capital budget has been signed, some vetoes.? HB2001-Govenor Dunleavy has refunded some vetoed funds.? Full/not full PFD options conveyed, and legislature can be created for a ?payback? if full PFD is not passed.? Senator Birch suddenly passed away (August 7, 2019), and Governor Dunleavy will appoint his replacement.
- Unfinished Business:
- Mat-Su Community Councils for Public Safety (MSCCPS) update: ? There was no July meeting, and the August meeting is set for August 21, 2019.
- FY2018 CAP/Revenue Share Funds: All project funds were distributed, and all reports have been timely filed.
- Neighborhood Watch Grant:? 7/27/19 meeting well attended. Discussion ensued as to different options available for various Trapper Creek area Neighborhood Watch Groups. Future public meetings to be determined
- New Business: None
- Date of next meeting scheduled for Thursday,September 19, 2019, 6:30 pm.
- Meeting adjourned at 8:30pm
(Minutes taken by Council Secretary, Janet Grelson)