Trapper Creek Community Council – Minutes October 18, 2012
Meeting called to order at 6:40pm
Board members present: Glenka, Leo, Kolbeck, Miller. No community members present.
September minutes read and approved.? Correction to the minutes / Assembly Report stating, ?electrical from mile 128 into State Park? should read ?mile 121?.
Assembly Report: Vern Halter re-elected to Assembly District 7.
Treasurer?s Report: $ $3,945.87 total in account.
Revenue Sharing Project Reports:
?? Shelter:? $86.50 of electrical materials purchased at Moore?s.? $38.29 completes the $6000 open account for the various FY09 projects.? Moore?s account is closed.? $48.21 reimbursed to Lon as an out of pocket expense.? $86.50 < $38.29 = $48.21.
?? Welcome Sign:? Finished, except for the permanent support
?? Free Box:? $284.79 was spent to build stairs to building temporarily housing the free box.
?? Interior of Building:? Will be started this winter
?? Playground:? Postponed until next summer
?? AED:? Project complete
?? Garden Upgrade:? Project complete
?? YCC:? District staff took a couple of more loads of garbage out of the shed to the dump in September.? The shed is in much better condition after having trash taken out, brush cut from around the building, and the gate repaired.? Since the YCC repaired the gate to the District Farm, there still has not been any trespassing that we can see and nobody has vandalized the fencing the YCC built.? This is great as it reduces liability for the District.? It still remains that Foot traffic is allowed onto the property while motorized vehicles are not.? Most of the funding has been spent on the above activities.? We have enough funds saved up to shovel the roof off in December before the deadline.? This is our plan and we do not anticipate spending any more funds until that time.
?? Council Administrative Funds:? $185.39
Current Mail was read
Public Forum:? None
Unfinished Business:
- The four received Revenue Sharing proposals were read
1)???? Tractor for the Community Park
2)???? Website for the Council to keep all proceedings publicly transparent
3)???? A ?Welcome to Trapper Creek? sign for the north entrance to town
4)???? Request for monies from Sunshine Transit for a Trapper Creek route once a week
Voting at the library on these proposals will be open from October 29 to November 10 during regular business hours.
- TC Park Circle & Request for Road Names: Nothing new to report.? Communication continues with Borough platting department.
New Business:? None
Next meeting November 15 at 6:30 pm
Meeting adjourned 7:32 pm
(Minutes taken by Council Secretary, Levi Miller)