Regular Meeting???????? 6:30 PM????????? Thursday, April 21, 2016
I.?????????? Meeting called to order 6:40 pm.
II.???????? Board Members in Attendance: Glenka, Miller and Kirksey. Members Present: Lon McCullough and Lynn Moore. Assemblyman Randall Kowalke
III.??????? Reading and approval of minutes from March 17, 2016
IV.?????? Assembly Report: Resolution proposed by Kowalke to put a moratorium and the cultivation and sale of marijuana in the non-municipal areas of the borough. Borough wide mill rate to stay the same at 9.98.
V.???????? TCCSA CIP Report: CIP#4 $8,982.75 remaining of $10,000.
VI.?????? RSA 30 Report: None
VII.???? Treasurer?s Report: Checking $727.52 & Savings: $25.28
VIII.?? Revenue Sharing Project Updates:
A.?????????????? FY2012
1.?????????????? Oral History ? $264.71 remaining
B.?????????????? FY2013
1.?????????????? TCCSA Conex ? $1,406.54 remaining
C. ?????? FY2014
1.???????? TCCSA Operating Costs – $4,238.52 remaining
2.???????? TCCC Operating Costs – $492.00 remaining
3.???????? Nordic Ski Club ? No Report
4.???????? Winter Trail Grooming ? All money expended
5.???????? Learning Garden ? No Report
IX.?????? Current Mail: Read
X.???????? Public Forum: None
XI.?????? Unfinished Business: Review of the application for FY165 Revenue Share Funding
- Upper Susitna Food Pantry is requesting $3,500 to purchase food and pay for transportation.
- TCCSA is requesting $14,400 for Trapper Creek Park and Cemetery operating costs.
- Winter Trail Grooming is requesting $2,500 for the grooming of the local winter trails.
- Upper Susitna Soil & Water Conservation is requesting $7,685.84 for an ongoing YCC program.? The project is AK Forest Inventory, a 4 day project called Talkeetna to Trapper Creek Experimental Form.
All applications are found to meet the criteria set forth by the borough.
XII.???? New Business: ?Revenue Share Program for fiscal year 2016 was approved by the borough in the amount of $19,300. This funding will more than likely not be utilized before 2017.
XIII.?? Date of next meeting scheduled for May 19, 2016
XIV.?? Meeting adjourned at 8:22 pm
(Minutes taken by Council Secretary, Levi Miller)
Trapper Creek Community Council
PO Box 13021, Trapper Creek, AK 99683-0321 (907) 733-7370 Teleconference