Trapper Creek Community Center, Milepost 115.2 George Parks Highway. Turn left on E. TC Park Circle.
Teleconference: Locally dial 373-2663 / Participant Code 991090 or dial 907-622-2663 if not in local area
Special Meeting, 6:30 PM, Monday, March 18, 2019
- Meeting called to order 6:45 pm
- Determination of quorum
- Board Members in Attendance: Ritenburgh, Miller, Glenka, and Morrill. Members: Shawn Stankowitz, Jason Garrett, George Faerber, Chrystal Mayer and Dave Thompson Guest: Eric Chappel, Talkeetna Fire Chief.
Special Guests: Borough Assembly Representative Tam Boeve.
- Approval of Agenda
- Minutes of the February 18th Special meeting were read as approved as written
- Unfinished Business:
Discussion of a Fire Department in Trapper Creek:
The following is from the discussion throughout the meeting:
Response Area:
- FSA #14 boundaries exist, but were set 20+ years ago
- A VFD 501c3 would re-establish contiguous boundaries
Equipment Storage:
- Warm storage is necessary
- A potential area for storage of equipment until a new, grant-funded building could be built was the Tire Shop. Discussion realized it is not a heated facility
- Current EMS building (room for a 28? engine) is a possibility with a lease option
- VFD – specific grants are available to possibly cover expenses
- Could request first year startup funds (for lease?) from Mat-Su Borough
- Being a 501c3 puts us at top of list for grant requests
Community Safety Meetings / Alternatives to Aid Suppression:
- Defensible space could be provided by brochures
- Proper procedure for using fire extinguishers
- AFFF fire extinguishers contain a foam which produces a skin like covering to help cool and searing temperatures. As well as slashing the temperature, this starves a fire of oxygen and breaks the fire triangle resulting in a struggle for the blaze to stay alight. Eric offered for Talkeetna FD to recharge (TC to pay foam).
- Fire extinguishers can also be filled with anti-freeze solution which could put out a fire much faster
- Jason & Chrystal could train others to certain levels
- Road sign with burn permit info and ratings on Petersville
ISO = Insurance Service Offices:
- Hurt/injured volunteer coverage is under 501c3
- Contact an insurance provider for an estimated quote
Equipment Possibilities:
- Brush truck
- Skid unit for back of pickup truck $10-15 K
- TKA has 1984 600 gallon 22? truck
- Anchorage has surplus vehicles
- Ken Barkley is already putting aside equip., i.e. hose etc.
Next Steps:
- Committee formed, so no more special meeting(s) are needed, only committee meetings who will then report to council until non-profit 501c3 established
- Committee members: Jason Garrett, Chrystal Mayer, Dave Ritenburgh, Dave Thompson, Shawn Stankowitz
- Formation of a 501c3 and selection of Board of Directors
- A resolution by council must be submitted to MSB for approval
- Work in conjunction with the State Fire Marshall for grant acquisition and funding, no other direction or authority
- Decision regarding whether it will be an: interior (meet Borough standards, go to classes) vs. exterior firefighters
- Date of next Meeting: Committee meets Sunday, March 31, 2019 at 6:30 pm
- Adjournment: 8:05
(Minutes taken by Council Treasurer, Paula Glenka)