Trapper Creek Community Council
Trapper Creek Community Center Mile Post 115.2 George Parks Highway
Teleconference: 907-373-2663 Participant code 991090
Regular Meeting 6:30PM, Thursday March 21,2024
Meeting called to order 6:35
Pledge Of Allegiance
Determination of Quorum: Yes
Board members in attendance: Kresge, Spots, Volin, Amalfitano, Guinn.
Others in attendance: Lon McCullough, Issac Garner, Brad Roberts, Sahara Brentor. Via teleconference: Shondra Erickson from Sen. Mike Showers office, Jennie Earles Goetsch, Jenny Willoughby, Ruth Reeder Hal Morgan and Joan Medberry.
Guests: Julie Spackman and Alex Strawn from Matsu Boro Planning Commission present to discuss Council’s proposal to change Council’s Boundary extending the current boundary line from mile 8.5 to Kroto Creek, and the current line from mile 132 (Chulitna River) to Mile 134.
Reading of April Minutes read by Michael Volin, Jennie Earles Goetsch brought to the Councils attention that some information was missing. Council stated minutes will be corrected. Jeff Spots motioned to approve minutes, Tom Amalfitano seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Alex Strawn and Julie Spackman were given an overview of Councils request to make minor changes regarding Council’s Boundary to accommodate several residents who live, work, and have children in Trapper Creek school, the ability to run for Council office and to vote on Council proposals. The east and west boundaries would not change since they are well defined by Petersville to the west and Susitna River to the east. The only changes proposed are Oil Well Road was to move the Boundary line from Cottonwood Creek, mile 8.5 to Kroto Creek mile 14.5 to the north from Chulitna River mile 132 to approximately mile 134. Lon had asked where the Boundary line was currently. Alex Strawn told Council how to proceed, adopt a resolution, have a public forum and submit the proposal. He went on to say nothing will change any road maintenance , tax rates, zoning etc…
Treasurer’s report read by Liz Guinn.
Water point report was given by Lon. Current gallons is approximately 289,000. This is a transition in progress as current members are leaving and new members are being trained.
Park and Cemetery. Lon said there are volunteers to help with cemetery clean up in May.
Trapper Creek Community Council Emergency Fund: No report
Trapper Creek Volunteer Fire Department: No report
Youth Council Liaison: Sahara Brentor reported the youth committee made hot choclate for cabin fever reliever clean up volunteers.
C.E.R.T. Michael Volin reported cert was present along with Sunshine Clinic to provide first aid for Cabin Fever Reliever, Volin reported cert treated 2 people with minor cuts on their fingers.
Correspondence/Current Mail: None
Public Forum: Jennie Earles Goetsch made many inquires about minutes missing from 2023.She also read two letters she had sent to the Council concerning specific questions, corrections and clarifications that need to be made to past meeting minutes. Kresge responded informing her of possible computer problems. Council also informed her the minutes are missing and are making every effort to recover them. She went on to say a letter for Curry Ridge Riders was never drafted. Council acknowledged it was not. She also mentioned last year that Sen. Mike Showers had informed council about funding being available for the fire department. The fire department was present at that meeting and said they would look in to it. Jennie had many more questions, some dating back to previous years. Council said they would make every effort to resolve it. Jennie asked that the Council resume using email to get information out to the community, a request repeated by Lon. Council announced that they would welcome input from the community on the Boundary issue. This would be posted to the facebook and Council’s website.
Jeff Spots motioned to adjourn, Tom Amalfitano 2nd, Liz Guinn affirmed motion passed unanimously. Meeting ajoured at 7:53pm
Date of next regular meeting: Thursday April 18, 2024

The Draft minutes published here do not match the Draft minutes that were read at the Council meeting on April 18, 2024. Can you explain this??