Meeting Minutes 05/18/2023


Trapper Creek Community Council

Trapper Creek Community Center, Milepost 115.2 George Parks Highway. Turn left on E. TC Park Circle.

Teleconference: 907-373-2663, Participant Code 991090.

Regular Meeting 6:30PM, Thursday, May 18, 2023

I. Meeting called to order: 6:34 pm

II. Determination of Quorum: Yes

III. Board members Present: Kresge, Ritenburgh, Twigg, Grelson & Spotts.
Members present: Amanda Garland, Sahara Brentor, James Morrill, Chrystal Mayer,
Mike Volin, Ruth Reeder, Lon McCullough, Jason Garrett, Isaac Garner, Michelle
McCullough, Shawn Stankowitz, Jennifer Stankowitz, Tom Amalfitano, Luke Fore, Paula
Glenka, Levi Miller, JP Glenka

IV. Approval of May Meeting agenda

V. Approval of Regular April Meeting minutes

VI. Borough Assembly, District 7 Report: No Report, no Rep. present again

VII. Treasurer’s Report 05/15/23: Deposits: FY23 CAP Funds, $15,789.00.
Disbursements: FY21/22 CAP Funds to: TCVFD- $4,000.00, TCCSA- $11,000.00.
Dividends: $.99. Checking: $19,959.42; Savings: $25.48 w/Interest of .01¢.
Total checking & savings: $19,984.90

VIII. Community Assistance Program/CAP status of FY2021/FY2022:
A. Trapper Creek Park & Cemetery: No official report- new treasurer
B. Trapper Creek Volunteer Fire Department: Fire Service area map, trucks
getting ready to get back onto the road. Received a Forestry Grant and purchased
tools, nozzles, and other items. 12 now on the TCVFD
C. Upper Susitna Food Pantry: Pantry is planning a mobile food pantry at the
TC Community Park to address transportation and access challenges in our
communities. The Pantry only received $789.00 from the CAP Funds, and they
provide many TC residents (majority are children) with food who would otherwise
experience increased food scarcity

IX. Committee Reports:
A. TCCSA Water Committee: All is good- gallon count is good. Repairs to
the Watering Point door are being made
B. Volunteer Fire Department Committee/TCFVD: Basic Report given
C. Youth Council Liaison: 1 st meeting was held and well attended.
Discussion of opportunities to assist in the TC Community for upcoming
Fireweed, etc.

X. Correspondence/Current Mail: All mail was read at meeting, and/or previously
emailed to the membership and/or posted at the TC Post Office

XI. Public Forum: Discussion of the Motion made at the last TCCC Meeting
regarding no further public voting on CAP funding.
Only 25 people voted in the last CAP project voting; comments made regarding more
Community involvement.
Pros: Community members would speak with the project proposal in person (or via
teleconference), a complete explanation of the proposed projects by the proposer, with
questions or concerns addressed.
Historically, TCCC CAP Project Proposals sent out multiple ways (email, posting, etc.)
yet small number of Community members read proposals and/or participate in voting.
Process involved includes posting/e-mailing projects for a specified period of time prior
to the beginning of the in-person voting by ballot; specified voting period of time for
Community members to vote.
Results tallied & verified, additional time to complete and return signed Memorandum of
Agreement (MOA) from the Project Proposers to Council; and finally CAP Funds then
disbursed by Council.
By having in-person meeting with Project Proposers, Community members who choose
to be involved (in person or via teleconference) will be better informed of the projects
and can also share comments and/or concerns directly with all participants-including
TCCC prior to the TCCC Board vote.
Cons: Community voting has historically been a part of our unique Community; removal
of it results in loss of historical process; loss of the opportunity for Community members
to vote by ballot.
Suggestions made for gaining more community involvement and interest in issues:
Survey Monkey; Council now has a Facebook page for comments, suggestions; etc.;
suggestion box for the Community; Temporary TCCC meeting reminder board posted
adjacent to the highway a few days prior to meeting; more meeting reminders at the
Post Office and Library; and KTNA involvement for reaching more potential community
members to participate.
MOTION: Motion by Ritenburgh to override the TCCC Motion that was passed last
month regarding removal of the CAP Project Funds voting process. Spotts seconded.
All in favor, none opposed. Motion passed

XII. Unfinished Business: 5 applications were received for the Board Elections: the
top two vote recipients will have two-year terms; the third will receive a one-year term
Voting will be at the Trapper Creek Library beginning on Monday, May 22 nd through
Monday, June 5 th , 2023, during Library hours. All voters will be required to complete the
Eligibility to Vote form, to ensure that all voters are within the Trapper Creek boundaries

Per Article IV, Section 2, Subsection C.: “An Election Committee appointed by the
Chairperson of the Board will collect, then count and certify the results of the election.”
Chairperson Kresge appointed George and Kay Faerber, who have in the past served in
this capacity
Election Committee will take possession of the ballot box from the TC Library, ballots
counted, and results will be certified by the Election Committee
Results will be presented at the Trapper Creek Community Council’s Regular June
meeting being held on Thursday, June 15, 2023

XIII. New Business:
A. Need for a lowered speed limit in our community was brought up and
discussion was had regarding current comments, historical discussions and past
communication with the MSB regarding this same issue. Copies of previous
MSB communication will be provided for those who requested it. Further
comments and plan of action will hopefully occur and any update(s) will be
provided at the meeting if received prior to or at the upcoming June 15, 2023,
TCCC Regular Meeting
B. Date of next meeting: scheduled for Thursday, June 15, 2023, at 6:30pm

XV. Meeting adjourned: 8:16 pm

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