Category Archives: Meeting Minutes

Minutes of Council meetings

Meeting Minutes 07/18/2019



Trapper Creek Community Center, Milepost 115.2 George Parks Highway. Turn left on E. TC Park Circle.

?Teleconference: Locally dial 373-2663 / Participant Code 991090 or dial 907-622-2663 if not in local area

Regular Meeting, 6:30 PM, Thursday, July 18, 2019

  1. Meeting called to order 6:47 pm. Posted within fourteen days of said meeting.
  2. Determination of Quorum
  3. Board Members in Attendance: Ritenburgh, Miller, Glenka, Grelson and Morrill. ? Members: Joe May, George Faerber, Chrystal Mayer, Jason Garrett, Aubrey Marsolais. Special Guests: Borough Assembly Representative Tam Boeve, and Ken Barkley, Mat Su Emergency Medical Services Director.
  4. Approval of Agenda
  5. Reading and approval of Regular June Meeting minutes
  6. Borough Assembly Report:

Tam Boeve, District 7: Borough was not scheduled to meet in July- but did have a special session.? Land Exchange Public Notice: Borough is purchasing Tommy Moe building in Wasilla for equipment storage. There is an opportunity to lower the purchase price. Assembly will introduce the item on August 6; and the public hearing and voting will be on August 20, 2019.? Discussion ensued.

  1. Treasurer?s Report:

June activity: Disbursements: $15,084.00, including the funds to the FY2018 CAP projects.? Deposits: $15,789.00 FY2018 CAP Borough Funds. Dividends: Checking: .14, Savings: .01. Checking: $4,152.74, Savings: $25.41 = $4,178.15.

  1. Revenue Sharing/CAP Grant Project Updates:
  2. FY2017:
  3. FY2019:
  • TCCSA Operating – $10,000.00. Current activity: $234.77. Total Spent: $10,000.00. $0 remaining
  • Neighborhood Watch Grant-$2,941.17.? Current activity: $0. $2,741.17 remaining.

IX.? ? Committee Reports:

TCCSA Water Committee: The water committee Business Plan is complete. The Request for Proposal (RFP) for the design and construction should be released shortly.? Donna Lee (Village Safe Water), is to confirm the date and time of the Proposal Evaluation Committee(PEC). There is no scheduled meeting at this time.

TCCSA Water Committee will continue to update TCCC, as well as notifying the public when input on the Design/Construction requires community involvement in an open public meeting at 65% and 95% completion.

Volunteer Fire Department Committee(TCFVD): Chrystal Mayer. TCFVD received their non-profit status on July 5th. Borough business license was received July 8th. TCFVD account balance: $1,607.00.? Chrystal Mayer will take a grant writing class next week. TCVFD letters are in progress to area fire departments and communities for equipment donations.? Chrystal Mayer and Jason Garrett have a quick water setup to help people in case of a fire: a 275 gallon water container with a 5hp pump. The pump can draft and pump water.

Next meeting scheduled for Sunday, July 21, 2019, 6:30pm at the Trapper Creek Park building.

  1. Correspondence/Current Mail:? All mail was previously emailed to the membership and/or posted at the TC Post Office.
  2. Public Forum: Special guest Ken Barkley, MSB Emergency Medical Services Director:? Montana Creek and Malaspina Fires are mostly out-still have 60 fire crew members working.? No more danger of either fire spreading. There is fire equipment that the Borough wants to transfer to the TC Volunteer Fire Department.
  3. Unfinished Business:
  4. Mat-Su Community Councils for Public Safety (MSCCPS) update: ? No July meeting.
  5. FY2018 CAP/Revenue Share Funds: Funds were deposited electronically into TCCC Checking and Memorandums of Agreement (MOA) are prepared and will be signed by the accepted project entities.
  6. Neighborhood Watch Grant:? Some applications have been received with requests for items from the Neighborhood Watch Grant funds.? Next meeting set for Sunday, July 27, 2019 at 2PM
  7. New Business: None
  8. Date of next meeting scheduled for Thursday,August 15, 2019, 6:30 pm.
  9. Meeting adjourned at 7:45pm


(Minutes taken by Council Secretary, Janet Grelson)


Meeting Minutes 06/20/2019



Trapper Creek Community Center, Milepost 115.2 George Parks Highway. Turn left on E. TC Park Circle.
Teleconference: Locally dial 373-2663 / Participant Code 991090 or dial 907-622-2663 if not in local area

Regular Meeting, 6:30 PM, Thursday, June 20, 2019

I. Meeting called to order 6:42 pm. Posted within fourteen days of said meeting.
II. Determination of Quorum
III. Board Members in Attendance: Miller, Glenka, Grelson and Morrill. Members: Chrystal Mayer, Tammy Morrill. Special Guests: Borough Assembly Representative Tam Boeve, and Jarod McClure, Office of Representative David Eastman.
IV. Approval of Agenda
V. Reading and approval of Regular May Meeting minutes
VI. Borough Assembly Report:
Tam Boeve, District 7: Progress of Trapper Creek Volunteer Fire Department is being followed by different communities.

Potential funds for the Trapper Creek Community Water Project were not able to be obtained during MSB Budget sessions.

Property Mill rate went up approximately $5.00 per household, approximately $12 million cut from MSB budget. A number of positions and Capital Projects were cut.

Three (3) beetle kill sites have been established to drop off downed beetle kill trees. Chipper hopefully to be obtained also.

District 7 School Board position will be vacated, no applicants as of yet, and no representation from the Northern part of the Borough on the School Board now.This Sunday at 2:00pm is the ribbon cutting for the new EMS Station 11-9, at the Talkeetna ?Y?.

VII. Treasurer?s Report:
May activity: Disbursements: None. Deposits: None. Dividends: Checking: .15, Savings:
.01. Checking: $3,447.60, Savings: $25.40 = $3,473.00.
VIII. Revenue Sharing/CAP Grant Project Updates:
A. FY2017:

TCCSA Operating – $10,000.00. Current activity: $218.16. Total Spent:
$9,765.23. $234.77 remaining

B. FY2019:

Neighborhood Watch Grant-$2,941.17. May: No activity. $2,741.17

IX. Committee Reports:
TCCSA Water Committee: The water committee Business Plan is final and at the DEC awaiting adoption of Resolution #19-004 which approves a rate increase from $.15 to $.165 price per gallon. TCCSA approved the Resolution on June 15 and Trapper Creek Community Council is requested to adopt the Resolution. Motion made by Glenka to support Resolution #19-004, adopting the Trapper Creek Watering Point Business Plan and New Rate of $0.165 Price of Water Per Gallon. Motion seconded by Morrill. Vote: 3 in favor, 1 opposed. Motion approved.

No next meeting is scheduled at this time. Updates to TCCC and the public from the water committee will continue.
Volunteer Fire Department Committee: Chrystal Mayer. TCVFD opened a bank account on June 11, 2019. A total of $316.00 is in the account, and awaiting a $500.00 check to clear, bringing the balance to $816.00. Nonprofit status and business licenses was filed for on June 19, 2019. Tentative meeting set for Sunday, June 23, 2019 at 6:30pm. TCVFD requests TCCC to return the $270.00 in funds that the Council has been holding for TCVFD.
X. Correspondence/Current Mail: All mail was previously emailed to the membership and/or posted at the TC Post Office.
XI. Public Forum: Jerod McClure, Office of Representative Eastman. Representative Eastman is on his way back from Juneau. Budget special session on July 8, 2019 regarding the PFD is in Wasilla, possible location will be Wasilla Middle School.
XII. Unfinished Business:

A. Mat-Su Community Councils for Public Safety (MSCCPS) update: No
one was able to attend the May or June meetings. No July or August
meetings. The next meeting will be held in September.
B. FY2018 CAP/Revenue Share Funds: Approved May 16 minutes and
they are being forwarded to the MSB. Borough needs to prepare the
Memorandum of Agreement and then the funding shall follow thereafter,
hopefully in the next couple of weeks.
C. Neighborhood Watch Grant public meeting, June 8: Presentation given
by Belinda Bohannon, Alaska State Troopers, regarding the ?Dos and
Don?ts? for Neighborhood Watch Programs. Report a Crime: Mat-Com
Dispatch in Wasilla: 907/352-5401. Eight (8) neighborhood watch groups
are being formed. Applications are available at the Trapper Creek Post
Office and are due July 18, 2019 to the Trapper Creek Community Council.
Next meeting date will be scheduled at the July TCCC meeting and notice
will be sent out.

XIII. New Business: None
XIV. Date of next meeting scheduled for Thursday, July 18, 2019, 6:30 pm.
XV. Meeting adjourned at 7:51pm


Meeeting Minutes 5/16/2019



Trapper Creek Community Center, Milepost 115.2 George Parks Highway. Turn left on E. TC Park Circle.

?Teleconference: Locally dial 373-2663 / Participant Code 991090 or dial 907-622-2663 if not in local area

Regular Meeting, 6:30 PM, Thursday, May 16, 2019


  1. Meeting called to order 6:32 pm. Posted within fourteen days of said meeting.
  2. Determination of Quorum
  3. Board Members in Attendance: Miller, Glenka, Grelson and Morrill.? ?Members: Chrystal Mayer, Jason Garrett.
  4. Approval of Agenda
  5. Reading and approval of Regular April Meeting minutes
  6. Borough Assembly Report:

Tam Boeve, District 7: Borough Assembly report given via email. All Lands, All Hands-Spruce Beetle Group has focused their attention on wildfire/safety.? Working to open dump sites for dead trees/brush and possibly getting funding for a large wood chipper for community use.

  1. Treasurer?s Report:

April activity: Disbursements: None.? Deposits: $200- Donations from Morrills and Glenkas, $50 per person; $270- TC Volunteer Fire Department (TCFVD) funds to be held by Council until TCFVD establishes checking account. ?Dividends: Checking: .13, Savings: .01. ?Checking: $3,447.45, Savings: $25.40 = $3,472.85.

  1. Revenue Sharing/CAP Grant Project Updates:

A.?????? FY2017:

  • TCCSA Operating – $10,000.00. Current activity: $410.61. Total Spent: $9,547.07. $452.93 remaining
  • Upper Susitna Food Pantry – $2,900.00.? Current activity: $181.24. Balance: $1.53.? ?Served 45 families, 100 people, and 20 seniors.? Weekend Brown Bag served 15 students per week. The Summer Backpack program has been funded for another year. Summer Programs with the Trapper Creek Public Library begin June 5. Sunshine Transit will be offering free transportation to these programs again this year.

The Senior Pass Program has 19 seniors enrolled. It is for extremely low income seniors to use the food pantry twice a month, as well as a visit to Cubby?s, and the bank.

  1. FY2019:
  • Neighborhood Watch Grant-$2,941.17.? April: No activity. $2,741.17 remaining. Public meeting set for May 18, 2019 at 2pm to discuss usage of remainder of grant funds.
  1. Committee Reports:

TCCSA Water Committee:

Work continues on the Business Plan.? Additions are cost estimates for insurance, advertising, signage on Devonshire Road and in Right-of-Way on Parks Highway. No next meeting is scheduled at this time. Updates to TCCC and the public from the water committee will continue.

Volunteer Fire Department Committee: Chrystal Mayer. CAP grant project application was turned in, State Entity number and IRS EIN obtained, Articles of Incorporation were voted on, signed and sent to Dept. of Commerce. The MSB lawyer to sign documentation regarding response area. Discussion of a booth at the Fireweed Festival as well as other fundraisers. Chrystal spoke on behalf of the TCVFD to the MSB Assembly 5/2, and the Assembly approved MSB Resolution 19-036 stating ?Non-Objection to the Proposed Trapper Creek Volunteer Fire Service Being Created and Recognized as a Volunteer Fire Service to Provide Fire Protection in the Trapper Creek Area?. Next step is to file for non-profit status.

X.???? Correspondence/Current Mail:? All mail was previously emailed to the membership and/or posted at the TC Post Office.

  1. Public Forum:? None
  2. Unfinished Business:
  3. Mat-Su Community Councils for Public Safety (MSCCPS) update: ??Captain April gave an update on Trooper activities. The Department of Corrections classification system was discussed. Reports from attending community councils were given regarding how they are utilizing the Neighborhood Watch Grant funds. Council will work toward having a forum with key State and Borough personnel in June to report on the activities of the Council and generate support for implementing measures to combat crime. May agenda will include discussion of rotating meetings to participating council locations.
  1. FY2018 CAP/Revenue Share Funds: Voting time ended Saturday May 11, 2019. The CAP Project Tally Committee was George Faerber and Jennie Earles.

Funds available:? $15,789.00

Funded FY2018 CAP/Revenue Share Funds Project list:

Trapper Creek Volunteer Fire Department, $1,000.00-fully funded

Operating Expenses for the Trapper Creek Park and Cemetery, $10,000.00-fully funded

Administrative Costs for Trapper Creek Community Council, $1,000.00-fully funded

Upper Susitna Food Pantry Operations, $5,000.00-partially funded:? $3,789.00

  1. Date for Neighborhood Watch Grant public meeting: Saturday, May 18, 2019, 2pm at the Trapper Creek Community building.
  2. New Business: None.
  3. Date of next meeting scheduled for Thursday, June 20, 2019, 6:30 pm.

XV.???? Meeting adjourned at 7:13pm

(Minutes taken by Council Secretary, Janet Grelson)

Meeting Minutes 04/18/2019



Trapper Creek Community Center, Milepost 115.2 George Parks Highway. Turn left on E. TC Park Circle.

?Teleconference: Locally dial 373-2663 / Participant Code 991090 or dial 907-622-2663 if not in local area

Regular Meeting, 6:30 PM, Thursday, April 18, 2019


  1. Meeting called to order 6:32 pm. Posted within fourteen days of said meeting.
  2. Determination of Quorum
  3. Board Members in Attendance:? Ritenburgh, Miller, Glenka, Grelson and Morrill.? ?Members: George Faerber, Chrystal Mayer, Jason Garrett, Tammy Morrill, Tony Jurasek. Special Guest: Borough Assembly Representative Tam Boeve
  4. Approval of Agenda- additions: under Committee Reports: Water Committee: Resolution 19-002, VFD: Resolution 19-003
  5. Reading and approval of Regular March Meeting minutes
  6. Borough Assembly Report:

Tam Boeve, District 7: Borough Assembly report given. Mill rate will probably go up due to State budget cuts. New taxes are being discussed.

There will be several upcoming budget meetings around the Borough. Budget Hearing Thursday, May 2, 6pm, at the Willow Community Center, food will be available.

Natural Resource Management (NRM) issues: booklet due to be updated (Spruce beetle kill, etc.). Open House Presentation will be on from Monday, 5:30-7:30pm at the Talkeetna Library.? Documents are available online for review.? Time still remaining for public comment


  1. Treasurer?s Report:

March activity: None. Dividends: Checking .13, Savings .01. Checking: $2,977.32, Savings: $25.40 = $3,002.72

  1. Revenue Sharing/CAP Grant Project Updates:

A.?????? FY2017:

  • TCCSA Operating – $10,000.00. Current activity: $2,518.65. Total Spent: $9,136.46. $863.54 remaining
  • Upper Susitna Food Pantry – $2,900.00.? Current activity: $181.24. Balance: $1.53.? ?Served 45 families, 105 people, and 22 seniors.? Weekend Brown Bag served 15 students per week. 88 Spring Break food bags were distributed. ?An increase to 13 students enrolled in the Winter Supplemental Nutrition Program (an extra food box during the winter). This program ended at the end of March. Searching for additional funding to extend this program through May.

The Senior Pass Program had 18 seniors enrolled. It is for extremely low income seniors to use the food pantry twice a month, as well as a visit to Cubby?s, and the bank. Possibly will add Wednesdays


  1. FY2019:
  • Neighborhood Watch Grant-$2,941.17.? March: No activity. $2,741.17 remaining.? Member concerned about alleged drug transaction. A possible expenditure of funds could be well utilized for a camera.
  1. Committee Reports:

TCCSA Water Committee: Committee met April 8, 2019, to review the draft Business Plan. A draft resolution was prepared by Donna Lee for the water committee to edit a proposed resolution 19-002 accepting the Trapper Creek Watering Point Business Plan to be signed by TCCC on April 18, 2019 and then presented for acceptance to TCCSA on April 20, 2019.? The resolution will then be incorporated into the Business Plan for finalization which is being prepared by Agnew, Beck and Summit.

MSB stated that the project is on Step 4: Borough requires prior to conveyance of the land is verification that the site is actually suitable for the project.? A water test hole will be done to assure suitability. No next meeting is scheduled at this time. Updates to TCCC and the public from the water committee will continue.


Resolution 19-002: A resolution for Trapper Creek Community Council to accept the Trapper Creek watering Point Business Plan, prepared by Agnew Beck Consulting and Summit Consulting Services. Discussion ensued.

Motion: by Merrill to accept Resolution #19-002, a Resolution accepting the Trapper Creek Watering Point Business Plan. Motion seconded by Glenka. Vote: 3 in favor and l Nay. Motion carries.


Volunteer Fire Department Committee: Chrystal Mayer. Fire Danger sign has been placed on E. Petersville Road near the Parks Hwy.? Trapper Creek ?Telephone Tree? list updates have been completed.? A name has been chosen: Trapper Creek Volunteer Fire Department (TCVFD). Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation have been completed. CAP project grant for $1,000 was submitted. MSB Resolution 19-036 ?Stating Non-Objection to the Proposed Trapper Creek Volunteer Fire Service Being Created and Recognized as a Volunteer Fire Service to Provide Fire Protection in the Trapper Creek Area.? Resolution was read at TCCC April 18, 2019 meeting and will be presented to the MSB Assembly meeting May 2, 2019.? Discussion ensued regarding a TCCC letter of support of MSB Resolution 19-036.

Motion by Morrill for TCCC to do a letter of support for MSB Resolution No. 19-036, to support the VFD in Trapper Creek. Motion seconded by Glenka. All in Favor: 3, Opposed: 1. Motion carries.

Letter of support via Public Comment at Borough website prior to the Borough Assembly Meeting, May 2, 2019.


X.???? Correspondence/Current Mail:? All mail was previously emailed to the membership and/or posted at the TC Post Office.


  1. Public Forum:? None
  2. Unfinished Business:
  3. Mat-Su Community Councils for Public Safety (MSCCPS) update: ??Meeting was well attended. Discussion of how communities were utilizing the grant funds. Discussion ensued of holding a Trapper Creek public meeting regarding Neighborhood Watch. Discussion of TCCC Resolution #19-003, to the Alaska State Legislature supporting the repeal of SB-91, and Recommending that the State of Alaska begin anew with criminal reform.

Motion:? by Morrill to accept Resolution 19-003, to the Alaska State Legislature, supporting the repeal of SB-91, and recommending that the State of Alaska begin anew with criminal reform.? Motion seconded by Glenka. All in favor: 4, Opposed: 0. Motion carries.

  1. FY2018 CAP/Revenue Share Funds: Project Proposal Forms reviewed to ensure program qualifications were met.

FY2018 CAP Projects submitted:

Operating Expenses for the Trapper Creek Park and Cemetery- $10,000.00 requested

Pantry Operations Support (Upper Susitna Food Pantry), $5,000.00 requested

Administrative Costs for Trapper Creek Community Council, $1,000.00

Trapper Creek Volunteer Fire Department, $1,000.00 requested

Total requested: $17,000.00, FY2018 Funds available:? $15,789.00

Project community voting will begin Monday, April 22, through Saturday, May11, 2019 at the Library. A CAP Project Talley Committee has been formed. Funded project list will be read at the Thursday, May 16, 2019 regular TCCC meeting

  1. Date for Neighborhood Watch Grant public meeting: Saturday, May 18, 2019, 1pm at the Trapper Creek Community building.
  2. New Business: None.
  3. Date of next meeting scheduled for Thursday, May 16, 2019, 6:30 pm.

XV.???? Meeting adjourned at 8:44pm

(Minutes taken by Council Secretary, Janet Grelson)

Meeting Minutes 03/21/2019



Trapper Creek Community Center, Milepost 115.2 George Parks Highway. Turn left on E. TC Park Circle.

?Teleconference: Locally dial 373-2663 / Participant Code 991090 or dial 907-622-2663 if not in local area

Regular Meeting, 6:30 PM, Thursday, March 21, 2019


  1. Meeting called to order 6:48pm. Posted within fourteen days of said meeting.
  2. Determination of Quorum
  3. Board Members in Attendance:? Ritenburgh, Glenka, Grelson and Morrill.? ?Members: George Faerber, Chrystal Mayer, Jason Garrett.? Guest: Eric Chappell. Special Guests: Borough Assembly Representative Tam Boeve, Ray Nix, MSB Land Service Manager, Manny Lopez & Kierre Childers, MEA
  4. Approval of Agenda
  5. Reading and approval of February minutes: Regular Meeting & VFD Meeting
  6. Borough Assembly Report:

Tam Boeve, District 7: The Assembly approved the EMS legislation, passing 6-1. The legislation was amended to include the paid on-call responders.

Other legislation that was approved is for mandatory driveway permits. For the next year the fee of $50 for the permit will be waived, starting July 1, 2019. There is a form online to complete the permit application. A Borough representative will come out to the property.

There were many cuts in the proposed budget- $25 million was left in for the South Denali Gateway

  1. Treasurer?s Report:

February activity: Ck#235: $80.00, Mat-Su Crime Stoppers, 4 signs. Dividend: None. Checking: $2,977.19, Savings: $25.39 = $3,002.58

  1. Revenue Sharing/CAP Grant Project Updates:
  2. FY2016:
  • Nordic Ski Club ?$300.00. Current activity $26.19-fuel costs. Total spent: $300.00. $0 remaining

B.?????? FY2017:

  • TCCSA Operating – $10,000.00. Current activity: $1,951.77. Total Spent: $6,557.82. $3,442.18 remaining
  • Upper Susitna Food Pantry – $2,900.00.? Current activity: $407.98.? Served 45 families, 105 people, and 14 seniors.? Weekend Brown Bag served 15 students per week. An increase to 11 students enrolled in the Winter Supplemental Nutrition Program (an extra food box during the winter). The Senior Pass Program is for extremely low income seniors to use the food pantry twice a month.? More families are using the bi-weekly bus. Possibly will add Wednesdays


  1. FY2019:
  • Neighborhood Watch Grant-$2,941.17.? $80.00 spent-4 crime stopper signs. $2,741.17 remaining
  1. Committee Reports:

TCCSA Water Committee: Committee met March 13, 2019, to discuss design. Continued work on the Business Plan, and engineer questions were answered by the MSB. Next meeting is Tuesday, March 26, 2019, at 10am


Volunteer Fire Department Committee: Chrystal Mayer. Committee was formed at the March 18, 2019 meeting.? Per Marie Collins, State Fire Marshalls Office, the Borough Assembly must approve having a VFD in TC. Conversation with Tam Boeve, District 7 Borough Assembly Representative regarding an ordinance, resolution, etc. for Borough approval requirement. An application for Registration of a Fire Department is also needed. ?Also need to form the 501c3, bylaws. Reached out to other VFDs regarding start up, by laws, etc.? Next meeting is Sunday, March 31, 2019, at 6:30pm


X.???? Correspondence/Current Mail:? All mail was previously emailed to the membership and/or posted at the TC Post Office


  1. Public Forum:

Kierre Childers and Manny Lopez, MEA:? Update on annual meeting and upcoming election: Mailing on voting coming out soon. April 23, is the MEA upcoming meeting.? Start date of April for 2nd cycle of clearing from the Talkeetna Spur Road to MP 136, along the electric distribution lines.? Permission was requested from previously identified land owners to clear danger trees outside the right-of-way area along the Parks Hwy about February 8, 2019. Second letter has gone out this week to property owners that have property adjacent to MEA right-of-way property.? Question was raised about the pink flagging on the guide wires of the electric poles on Petersville Road. Information will be sent to us regarding that activity


Ray Nix, MSB Land Services Manager: Borough has mapped parcels that will have trees cut down. A $25.00 permit will be required (can be obtained on line) for those who want to take the Borough-owned wood, and there will not be a per person cord limit.

Permission form for property owners to ?Identify and Cut Down Danger Trees? are available at the TC Post Office. Trees will be cut down but not chipped, and left for the owner.

The parking lot on Oilwell Rd. (at approximately Mile 19) that was previously created by Charlie Nash: Borough will clean this area up later this year. Wood will be made available to the local people. Permit is needed


  1. Unfinished Business:
  2. Trapper Creek Fire List update: Will be updated by the VFD committee and released soon

B. ????? Mat-Su Community Councils for Public Safety (MSCCPS) update: ??A number of people were unable to attend and the meeting was postponed until next month.? Meetings are the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 6:00pm

  1. FY2018 CAP/Revenue Share Funds: The CAP Project information letter and project proposal forms were available at the Post Office as ofSaturday, February 23, and can be emailed. Project Proposal Forms are due Thursday, April 18, 2019/TCCC regular April meeting. Project community voting will begin Monday, April 22, through Saturday, May11, 2019 at the Library. A CAP Project Talley Committee will be formed. Funded project list will be read at the Thursday, May 16, 2019 regular TCCC meeting.
  2. Date for Neighborhood Watch Grant public meeting: Issue tabled
  3. New Business:
  4. TCCC RS-19-001, re: Trapper Creek Water and Well Point Project:

A resolution of TCCC to transfer ownership of the project from TCCC to TCCSA, 100%. Allows for adoption of Business Plan of the project.? Motion by Morrill to accept TCCC RS-19-001.? Seconded by Glenka. All in favor, none opposed. Motion carries


  1. Date of next meeting scheduled for Thursday, April 18, 2019, 6:30 pm.


?XV.??? Meeting adjourned at 8:48pm


(Minutes taken by Council Secretary, Janet Grelson)