Monthly Archives: June 2020

Meeting Agenda 06/18/2020


[If attending the meeting in person, please observe any health protocols that might be in place on the meeting date]

Trapper Creek Community Center, Milepost 115.2 George Parks Highway, turn left on E. TC Park Circle.

Teleconference is available: Locally dial 373-2663 / Participant Code 991090 or dial 907-622-2663 if not in local area.

Regular Meeting ? 6:30 PM? Thursday, June 18, 2020


  1. Call to Order
  2. Determination of Quorum
  3. Board Members in Attendance
  4. Approval of Agenda
  5. Minutes of May 2020 Regular Meeting
  6. Borough Assembly Report
  7. Treasurer Report
  8. Community Assistance Program/CAP Grants
    1. FY2018
      • Trapper Creek Volunteer Fire Department
      • Trapper Creek Park & Cemetery
      • Trapper Creek Community Council
  9. Committee Reports:
    1. TCCSA Water Committee
    2. Volunteer Fire Department Committee
  10. Correspondence / Current Mail
  11. Public Forum:
  12. Unfinished Business:
    1. Mat-Su Community Councils for Public Safety (MSCCPS)
    2. FY2018 CAP Funds Borough ReportsUpcoming Deadline
    3. FY2019 CAP Funds: Status update
    4. TCCSA Water Committee: SNAP/WIC/EBT acceptance-TCCC Letter of Support
    5. Parks Highway MP 99-123 TCCC Letter of Support
  13. New Business:
  14. Date of Next Regular Meeting: Thursday, July 16, 2020??
  15. Adjournment

Contributions of no more than $50 per member per year are accepted to meet the costs of our operations.


Meeting Minutes 05/21/2020



Trapper Creek Community Center, Milepost 115.2 George Parks Highway. Turn left on E. TC Park Circle.

?Teleconference: Locally dial 373-2663 / Participant Code 991090 or dial 907-622-2663 if not in local area

Regular Meeting 6:30 PM, Thursday, May 21, 2020?


  1. Meeting called to order: 6:34 pm
  2. Determination of Quorum
  3. Board Members in Attendance: Ritenburgh, Miller, Grelson, Twigg and Morrill.? Special Guest:? District 7 Borough Assembly Representative Tam Boeve. Members: Paula Glenka
  4. Approval of Agenda
  5. Reading and approval of Regular April Meeting minutes
  6. Borough Assembly Report, Tam Boeve, District 7: With COVID-19 restrictions being lifted, Borough buildings are beginning to open up.? Main building is open by appt only.


Weekly COVID-19 response meetings have been suspended.

Borough Budget has a deficit of $16 million due to Governor?s veto of the School Bond Debt Reimbursement funds.

Money was set aside last year towards these anticipated costs, but still need to make significant cuts to our current budget to hold at the current mill rate of 10.386.

CARES funding statements are correct.? Working with Borough Financial Director and Borough Legal Department to determine exactly what the grant money can be used for.

MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) between AIDA (Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority) and Nova Minerals is coming before the MSB Assembly in June for Phase 2 studies for a proposed bridge over the Little Su River, and road access to the Whistler Mining District.


  1. Treasurer?s Report:? Disbursements: None.? Deposits: None.? Dividends:

Checking: $1,111.96, Savings: $25.44 = $1,137.40

  1. Revenue Sharing/Community Assistance Program (CAP) Grant Project Updates:
  2. FY2018:
  • Trapper Creek Volunteer Fire Dept (TCVFD): ?CAP: $1,000.00. No report
  • TCCSA Operating ? CAP: $10,000.00. Current expenditures: $416.84. Remaining: $1,221.17
  • Trapper Creek Community Council (TCCC): CAP: $1,000.00. Current expenditures: None.? Remaining: $674.27

IX.? ? Committee Reports:

  • TCCSA Water Committee:? The project is now at the 95% stage.? KAE, Inc., will send the stamped plans via email & a hardcopy by the end of this week.

Reading and discussion of draft letter sent to Governor Dunleavy, Senator Shower, Representative Eastman & Assembly member Tam Boeve, as well as TCCC, VSW, KAE, Inc., and Matt Want requesting letters of support for the SNAP, WIC and EBT recipients to be able to utilize their benefits at the TC water point as this project was created with those in need of a good water source.? Once the letters and any input have been received, package will be sent to Senators Sullivan and Murkowski and Congressman Young.

TCCSA Water Committee will continue to update TCCC


  • Volunteer Fire Department Committee (TCFVD): No Report


  1. Correspondence/Current Mail:? All mail was read at meeting, and/or previously emailed to the membership and/or posted at the TC Post Office
  2. Public Forum:
  3. Unfinished Business:
  4. Mat-Su Community Councils for Public Safety (MSCCPS) update:

No Report

  1. FY2019 CAP Funds:
  • FY2019 CAP Project Proposals voting results:

Total requested: $20,468.00 FY2019 Funds available: $15,789.00

60 Points-Project fully funded: TCVFD Rural Basic Firefighter Class ($3,468.00 requested)

57 Points– Project fully funded: Operating Expenses for the Trapper Creek Park and Cemetery ($11,000.00 requested)

($3,468.00 requested)

35 Points– Project partially funded: Pantry Operations Support Upper Susitna Food Pantry ($6,000.00 requested)

Detailed Voting Results form available for review at the Trapper Creek Post Office.

  • A letter will be sent to MSB with the voting results, requesting that the FY2019 CAP funds be released and sent to TCCC.? Once received, they can be dispersed to the project entities, and a MOA between TCCC and the project entities will be signed.


  1. New Business: TCCC member Paula Glenka presented a letter written to Representative David Eastman and Senator Mike Shower regarding the upgrade to the Parks Highway, MP 99-123 by the State of Alaska/General Contractor Quality Asphalt Paving (QAP), and the resulting numerous pitted, cracked and shattered windshields that local residents as well as the school bus transportation service, have endured due to the chip seal used instead of asphalt(MP 123-147 was resurfaced with asphalt).? The purpose of her presentation to TCCC is a letter of support from council to Representative David Eastman and Senator Mike Shower. Discussion ensued and all present were in favor of a letter of support.
  2. Date of next meeting: scheduled for Thursday, June 18, 2020, 6:30 pm
  3. Meeting adjourned:? 7:24 pm



(Minutes taken by Council Secretary, Janet Grelson)