Meeting Minutes 06/20/2019



Trapper Creek Community Center, Milepost 115.2 George Parks Highway. Turn left on E. TC Park Circle.
Teleconference: Locally dial 373-2663 / Participant Code 991090 or dial 907-622-2663 if not in local area

Regular Meeting, 6:30 PM, Thursday, June 20, 2019

I. Meeting called to order 6:42 pm. Posted within fourteen days of said meeting.
II. Determination of Quorum
III. Board Members in Attendance: Miller, Glenka, Grelson and Morrill. Members: Chrystal Mayer, Tammy Morrill. Special Guests: Borough Assembly Representative Tam Boeve, and Jarod McClure, Office of Representative David Eastman.
IV. Approval of Agenda
V. Reading and approval of Regular May Meeting minutes
VI. Borough Assembly Report:
Tam Boeve, District 7: Progress of Trapper Creek Volunteer Fire Department is being followed by different communities.

Potential funds for the Trapper Creek Community Water Project were not able to be obtained during MSB Budget sessions.

Property Mill rate went up approximately $5.00 per household, approximately $12 million cut from MSB budget. A number of positions and Capital Projects were cut.

Three (3) beetle kill sites have been established to drop off downed beetle kill trees. Chipper hopefully to be obtained also.

District 7 School Board position will be vacated, no applicants as of yet, and no representation from the Northern part of the Borough on the School Board now.This Sunday at 2:00pm is the ribbon cutting for the new EMS Station 11-9, at the Talkeetna ?Y?.

VII. Treasurer?s Report:
May activity: Disbursements: None. Deposits: None. Dividends: Checking: .15, Savings:
.01. Checking: $3,447.60, Savings: $25.40 = $3,473.00.
VIII. Revenue Sharing/CAP Grant Project Updates:
A. FY2017:

TCCSA Operating – $10,000.00. Current activity: $218.16. Total Spent:
$9,765.23. $234.77 remaining

B. FY2019:

Neighborhood Watch Grant-$2,941.17. May: No activity. $2,741.17

IX. Committee Reports:
TCCSA Water Committee: The water committee Business Plan is final and at the DEC awaiting adoption of Resolution #19-004 which approves a rate increase from $.15 to $.165 price per gallon. TCCSA approved the Resolution on June 15 and Trapper Creek Community Council is requested to adopt the Resolution. Motion made by Glenka to support Resolution #19-004, adopting the Trapper Creek Watering Point Business Plan and New Rate of $0.165 Price of Water Per Gallon. Motion seconded by Morrill. Vote: 3 in favor, 1 opposed. Motion approved.

No next meeting is scheduled at this time. Updates to TCCC and the public from the water committee will continue.
Volunteer Fire Department Committee: Chrystal Mayer. TCVFD opened a bank account on June 11, 2019. A total of $316.00 is in the account, and awaiting a $500.00 check to clear, bringing the balance to $816.00. Nonprofit status and business licenses was filed for on June 19, 2019. Tentative meeting set for Sunday, June 23, 2019 at 6:30pm. TCVFD requests TCCC to return the $270.00 in funds that the Council has been holding for TCVFD.
X. Correspondence/Current Mail: All mail was previously emailed to the membership and/or posted at the TC Post Office.
XI. Public Forum: Jerod McClure, Office of Representative Eastman. Representative Eastman is on his way back from Juneau. Budget special session on July 8, 2019 regarding the PFD is in Wasilla, possible location will be Wasilla Middle School.
XII. Unfinished Business:

A. Mat-Su Community Councils for Public Safety (MSCCPS) update: No
one was able to attend the May or June meetings. No July or August
meetings. The next meeting will be held in September.
B. FY2018 CAP/Revenue Share Funds: Approved May 16 minutes and
they are being forwarded to the MSB. Borough needs to prepare the
Memorandum of Agreement and then the funding shall follow thereafter,
hopefully in the next couple of weeks.
C. Neighborhood Watch Grant public meeting, June 8: Presentation given
by Belinda Bohannon, Alaska State Troopers, regarding the ?Dos and
Don?ts? for Neighborhood Watch Programs. Report a Crime: Mat-Com
Dispatch in Wasilla: 907/352-5401. Eight (8) neighborhood watch groups
are being formed. Applications are available at the Trapper Creek Post
Office and are due July 18, 2019 to the Trapper Creek Community Council.
Next meeting date will be scheduled at the July TCCC meeting and notice
will be sent out.

XIII. New Business: None
XIV. Date of next meeting scheduled for Thursday, July 18, 2019, 6:30 pm.
XV. Meeting adjourned at 7:51pm