Board of Directors Application


Annual Election of Board of Directors

Trapper Creek Community Council

I, ___________________________________________ the undersigned member of Trapper Creek, state his/her intention to be a candidate for a position on the Trapper Creek Community Council.

I, declare my willingness to serve a two year term.

I am eighteen or more years of age. My voting residence is within the Trapper Creek Community Council area. I am not registered to vote in any other area.

The Trapper Creek Community Council area is defined as:

?Starting at the bridge crossing the Chulitna River, thence south along the west bank of the Chulitna River to the confluence of the Chulitna River and the Susitna River; thence south along the west bank of the Susitna River to the south boundary of T25N; thence west along the south boundary of T25N to the point of intersection of Kroto Creek and the south boundary of T25N; thence north along the east bank of Kroto Creek to the North boundary of T27N; thence east to the southwest corner of T28N, R6W; thence north to the north boundary of T28N; thence east along the north boundary of T28N to the point of beginning.?

Applicant Name (Printed): _______________________________________________________

Physical address: ______________________________________________________________

Mailing address: _______________________________________________________________

Telephone(s) _________________________________________________________________

Email ______________________________________________


Applicant Signature ___________________________???? Date _________________


Voting is Monday, January 5th through Saturday, January 10th, 2015,

at the Trapper Creek library during library hours.


Trapper Creek Community Council

P.O. Box 13021 ? Trapper Creek ? AK 99683

(907) 733-6506 ?